Critical Parameters for a given series, and the rules Doug Greve ( currently uses to determine them. If you use this info, please give me some credit -- it took a long time to figure out:). Non-DICOM tags are found in proprietary Siemens fields. While proprietary, these are stored as simple ASCII text surrounded by the strings "### ASCCONV BEGIN ###" and "### ASCCONV END ###", so it is easy to parse them with simple string operations (ie, you don't need to get into the dicom stuff). I refer to this as the "ASCII header" below. 1. Files that belong to a series. Read the series number from the DICOM header (20,11). This apparently won't work when "Multiple Series" is checked. 2. Whether each file contains an individual image, a mosaic, or supermosaic. I use the Phase Encode FoV ("sSliceArray.asSlice[0].dPhaseFOV") and the Readout FoV ("sSliceArray.asSlice[0].dReadoutFOV") from the ASCII header, the Phase Encode Direction (18,1312), and the row and column resolutions (28,30) to compute an expected number of rows and columns. I then compare these numbers to the number of rows (28,10) and columns (28,11) in the image. If they are the same, then it is not a mosaic or supermosaic. If they are not, I assume it's a mosaic. I don't know how to tell if its a supermosaic. 3. If a file contains a mosaic, the number of rows and cols in the mosaic. This is just the number of rows (28,10) and columns (28,11) in the image. 4. If a file contains a supermosaic, the number of mosaics in the super mosaic (as well as the dimension of each mosaic). ??? 5. Volume dimensions (ie, number of rows, columns, slices). a. Non-mosaics - the number of rows and columns are determined directly from the DICOM header ((28,10) and (28,11)). The number of slices is determined by counting the number of files in the series with different slice prescriptions. b. Mosaics - the number of rows and columns are determined from the Phase Encode and Readout FoVs as described in #2. The number of slices is determined from the ASCII header (sSliceArray.lSize). c. Supermosaics - ??? 6. Volume resolution (ie, distance between the centers of adjacent rows, cols, and slices). For rows and columns, the resolutions are obtained from DICOM (28,30), which is a string of the form "colres\rowres". The distance between slices is obtained from DICOM (18,88). If that does not exist, then the slice thickness (18,50) is used, but this will not include the distance factor or gap. Supposedly, the skip can be obtained from (21,1344), but special software is needed to read odd DICOM groups. There is also an element in the ASCII header ("sGroupArray.asGroup[0].dDistFact"). One can also compute the slice resolution as the distance between adjacent slices using "sSliceArray.asSlice[N].sPosition.dAAA" where AAA is Sag (x), Cor (y), and Tra (z) from the ASCII header. 7. The direction cosines (DCs) for the row, col, and slice. The DCs for the row and column are obtained from DICOM (20,37), which is a string of the form "cx\cy\cz\rx\ry\rz". The slice DC is obtained from the ASCII header. The x, y, and z components are from three lines of the form "sSliceArray.asSlice[0].sNormal.dAAA" where AAA is Sag (x), Cor (y), and Tra (z). Siemens may reverse the slice order in order to make the images more readable by radiologists. This reversal is NOT accompanied by a change the slice direction cosine. Rather, it is indicated by the presence of sSliceArray.ucImageNumbAAA (any of the three). The FreeSurfer software reverses the slices upon read-in rather than chaning the direction cosine. 8. The XYZ coordinates at the exact center of a voxel at a given row, col, and slice. a. Non-mosaics - DICOM (20,32) gives the XYZ coordinate at the center of first voxel of the image. Section C., page 275: "The Image Position (0020,0032) specifies the x, y, and z coordinates of the upper left hand corner of the image; it is the center of the first voxel transmitted." b. Mosaics - DICOM (20,32) is incorrect for mosaics. The value in this field gives where the origin of an image the size of the mosaic would have been had such an image been collected. This puts the origin outside of the scanner. However, the center of a slice can be obtained from the ASCII header from lines of the form "sSliceArray.asSlice[N].sPosition.dAAA", where N is the slice number and AAA is Sag (x), Cor (y), and Tra (z). This may be off by half a voxel. Given this information, the direction cosines, the voxel size, and dimension, the origin can be computed. c. Supermosaics - ??? 9. Number of Volumes (ie, number of frames or time points). a. Non-mosaics - count the number of files with the same image position. b. Mosaics - count the number of files in the series. The number of frames should also be stored in the ASCII header as 1 plus lRepetitions. c. Supermosaics - ??? 10. Time between volumes/frames (ie, the TR for fMRI). a. Non-mosaics - ??? b. Mosaics - number of slices times the repetition time (DICOM (18,80)). This is for version 1.6 and before. For version 2.1 and after, (18,80) will contain the inter-volume TR (instead of the time it takes to acquire one slice). The software version can be determined from tag (18,1020) c. Supermosaics - ??? 11. Time at which each slice was obtained (relative to the start of the volume acquisition). For sequences in which slices were acquired uniformly across the TR, there is a variable in the ASCII header called sSliceArray.ucMode which indicates the slice order: 0x1 for Ascending, 0x2 for Descending, and 0x4 for Interleaved. The selection box for this option can be found on the Numaris/4 GUI on the "Geometry" tab, "Common" sub-tab, field name "Series". [NEED TO VERIFY THIS] If sSliceArray.ucImageNumbTra (or Cor or Sag) is greater than zero, for axial data (or coronal or sagittal, respectively) then we know the slice order is reversed from what was expected (ie, that set up on the console). 12. Time at which each volume was obtained (relative to the start of the series). This may not be computable from the slice timing if there is a temporal gap between volumes. ??? See also below on slice timing. 13. Other parameters not so critical: echo time, inversion time, phase encode direction, readout direction, flip angle, patient name, scan date, scan time, pulse sequence, protocol name, etc. These are obtainable from the DICOM header. NOTE ON COORDINATE DEFINITION. It is assumed that all xyz coordinates (including direction cosines) in the Siemens DICOM header (including ASCII) conform to an LPS standard. "LPS" means that x increases from the subject's right to Left, y increases from anterior to Posterior, and z increases from inferior to Superior. All this assumes that the subject in the scanner Head-First/Supine (HFS). The patient's position can be determined from DICOM tag (18,5100). It appears that this definition can be changed from the Numaris 4 console. On the "System" tab, "Common" sub-tab, heading "Image Numbering" there are selections for fields "Sagittal", "Coronal", and "Transversal". Changes these parameters will affect the variable called sSliceArray.ucImageNumb{Sag,Cor,Tra} in the ASCII header. The value will be either 0 or 0x1 (NOTE: a value of 0 is indicated by the absence of the variable in the header). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGH's dicom server (bourget) For reference, our naming scheme to date has used the following dicom tags which has so far guaranteed uniqueness: d 0008 1090 modelX d 0018 1000 serialX d 0008 0020 dateX D 0008 0030 timeX f 0020 0011 seriesX F 0020 0013 imageX If we add to this, it will change the names of all scanner files henceforth. Any analysis tools that "depend" on the name scheme will have to be modified to handle both old and new. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image Type: 0008 0008 - might tell you if it is a mosaic Anat: DERIVED\PRIMARY\OTHER Func: ORIGINAL\PRIMARY\M\ND\MOSAIC M = magnitude. P = phase. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Siemens white paper: "Slice Order (Slice Timing) for fMRI Evaluation Joachim Graessner, Dipl. Ing." Dated May 2014 The EPI mosaic in figure 6 shows a series containing 36/35 interleaved measured slices with text overlays for image numbers, excitation order number and relative offset time. The latter value can be extracted from the DICOM header in tag (0019,1029) „MosaicRefAcqTimes“ together with tag (0008,0032) „Acquisition time“ to calculate the absolute time of an image. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (0008,0013) TM [171809.637000] # 14, 1 InstanceCreationTime (0008,0020) DA [20111006] # 8, 1 StudyDate (0008,0021) DA [20111006] # 8, 1 SeriesDate (0008,0022) DA [20111006] # 8, 1 AcquisitionDate (0008,0023) DA [20111006] # 8, 1 ContentDate (0008,0030) TM [165732.988000] # 14, 1 StudyTime (0008,0031) TM [171609.633000] # 14, 1 SeriesTime (0008,0032) TM [171736.510000] # 14, 1 AcquisitionTime (0008,0033) TM [171809.637000] # 14, 1 ContentTime Time A string of characters of the format hhmmss.frac; where hh contains hours (range "00" - "23"), mm contains minutes (range "00" - "59"), ss contains seconds (range "00" - "59"), and frac contains a fractional part of a second as small as 1 millionth of a second (range "000000" - "999999"). A 24 hour clock is assumed. Midnight can be represented by only "0000" since "2400" would violate the hour range. The string may be padded with trailing spaces. Leading and embedded spaces are not allowed. One or more of the components mm, ss, or frac may be unspecified as long as every component to the right of an unspecified component is also unspecified. If frac is unspecified the preceding "." may not be included. Frac shall be held to six decimal places or less to ensure its format conforms to the ANSI HISPP MSDS Time common data type. Examples - 1. "070907.0705" represents a time of 7 hours, 9 minutes and 7.0705 seconds. 2. "1010" represents a time of 10 hours, and 10 minutes. 3. "021" is an invalid value. Note - 1. For reasons of backward compatibility with versions of this standard prior to V3.0, it is recommended that implementations also support a string of characters of the format hh:mm:ss.frac for this VR. -------------------------------------------------------------- the pixel data cannot be loaded as it is JPEG compressed dcmdjpeg +te $dcm $dcm --------------------------------------------------- GE 0x0043, 0x1039 bvalue 0x0019, 0x10bb, 0x10bc, 0x10bd directions -------------------------------------------------------------- bvalue 0x0019 0x100c bvector 0x0019 0x100e bmatrix 0x0019 0x1027 diffusion info 0029,1010 If zero, then tags do not exist. For bay1 dti data, the bvalues are correct. The x for the bvector is correct. The yz need to be negated. Even then, they are not quite correct. bmatrix is the 6 elements used to create the bmatrix and appears to be redundant (does not resolve above issue). Diffusion info apparently also has the directions but also appears to be redundant. bvalue in 0x100a does not match trace(bmatrix) or value that AY gave me. The difference is due to obliqueness; not clear what the right answer is. dnggrad = load('dnggrad.txt'); bvals0 = load('bvals.txt')'; bvecs0 = load('bvecs.txt')'; indnz = find(bvals0 ~= 0); bvals = bvals0(indnz); bvecs = bvecs0(indnz,:); gm = load('grad.mtx.dat'); ntot = size(gm,1); d = zeros(ntot,3); db = zeros(ntot,1); for n = 1:ntot a = gm(n,:); b = zeros(3,3); b(1,1) = a(1); b(1,2) = a(2); b(1,3) = a(3); b(2,2) = a(4); b(2,3) = a(5); b(3,3) = a(6); b(3,1) = b(1,3); b(2,1) = b(1,2); b(3,2) = b(2,3); [u s v] = svd(b); d(n,:) = u(:,1)'; db(n) = trace(b); end ----------------------------------------------------------------- Double oblique data in ~/l/sg1/oblique-dti. This data does not have the above fields but does have DiffusionGradientDirection in the info header field (strings). The gradients in the header do not match the gradients in the mgh-dti-seqpack. The mgh-dti-seqpack parameters do not give good results, but the ones from the header do. Though the acqs for all three had the same slice prescription, the header gradient directions are slightly different. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- our current software is RSNA CTN (central test node) produced by the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (MIR) under contract to the Radiological Society of North America. says there should be a docs folder but can't be found bugs: ------------------------------------------------------------- IS - integer string, 12 bytes max OB - other byte string, unlimited. LO - Long String 64 Bytes Maximum ----------------------------------------- Doc for GE that might be helpful for understanding their dicoms ----------------------------------------- itk::DCMTKSequence originSeq; curItem.GetElementSQ(0x0020, 0x9113, originSeq); std::string originString; originSeq.GetElementDS(0x0020, 0x0032, originString); 18,88 - slice spacing 20,37 - image orientation patient 28,30 - pixel spacing (0028,1052) DS [0] # 2, 1 RescaleIntercept (0028,1053) DS [1.23785103785103] # 16, 1 RescaleSlope (0028,1054) LO [US] # 2, 1 RescaleType 5200,9229 - functional group macro whose attributes apply to all frames 5200,9230 - functional group macro whose attributes apply to a given frames --------------------------------------------------------- On-scanner gradient distortion correction In the protocol, one has the option to not do any gradient nonlinearity correction (default), 2D correction, or 3D correction (even with 2D data but it requires at least 8 slices from the same scan in the same orientation). Whether or not correction was used on the data will be in the Siemens private header. Specifically in (0029,1020) sDistortionCorrFilter.ucMode = 1 (none, or "ND") sDistortionCorrFilter.ucMode = 2 (2D, or "DIS2D") sDistortionCorrFilter.ucMode = 4 (3D, or "DIS3D") Also, it is derived and can be also found in the image labeling header section as (0051,1016) = LO 000018 p2 NORM/MEAN/DIS3D (or DIS2D or ND) 0008,0008 also has info like above ====================================================================== Explaining unpacking of bvecs. Different manufactures have different conventions. Siemens puts the bvecs in LPS scanner space. To map them to voxel space, they should be converted to RAS scanner space, then multiplied by the inverse of the Mdc part of the vox2ras matrix (to convert from ras to vox). The field has evolved using the "FSL" standard. In FSL, if the determinant>0 (neurological), then an FSL program flips the image in the first dimension to make the determinant<0 (radiological). The program performs its processing, then flips any output volume back to the original space before writing it out. For most things, this is ok, but for DTI processing, reorienting the image must be matched by reorienting the bvecs. FSL should have just done this when seeing that the image needed to be reoriented, but instead it requires the user to know that the image will be reoriented and supply FSL witha reoriented bvec file. So, when det<0, the bvec orientation matches that of the input volume. When det>0, the sign of the first bvec has to be flipped. Note that the sign of all bvec values can be reversed without changing the output. On the output side, none of this matters for FA, but it does matter for the eigen vectors. For det>0 volumes, the EVs written out by FSL will be inconsistent with the volume orientation (eg, in FreeView they will look wrong). However, an FSL viewer (eg, fsleyes), will see det>0 and then reorient the EVs so they are correct. Here are two related discussions: In the connectome data: dcm2niix: PSL (det>0) +-- DNG/FS: PIL (det<0) -+- Going from PSL to PIL or back requires: 1. the sign of the 2nd to be flipped because the dimension is flipped 2. the sign of the 1st to be flipped because det changes sign Analyzing the PIL data with both FS mri_glmfit and FSL dtifit with the same bvecs gives the same result because the det<0. Analysing the PIL data in FSL with the dcm2niix bvecs yields correct results (must be viewing in fsleyes). When analyzing the PIL data in FS mri_glmfit using the dcm2niix bvecs, the sign of the first bvec needs to be flipped. Then the result will look correct when viewing in FreeView.