IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 1999 Oct;18(10):885-96 doi: 10.1109/42.811268.

Automated model-based bias field correction of MR images of the brain

Van Leemput K, Maes F, Vandermeulen D, Suetens P.


We propose a model-based method for fully automated bias field correction of MR brain images. The MR signal is modeled as a realization of a random process with a parametric probability distribution that is corrupted by a smooth polynomial inhomogeneity or bias field. The method we propose applies an iterative expectation-maximization (EM) strategy that interleaves pixel classification with estimation of class distribution and bias field parameters, improving the likelihood of the model parameters at each iteration. The algorithm, which can handle multichannel data and slice-by-slice constant intensity offsets, is initialized with information from a digital brain atlas about the a priori expected location of tissue classes. This allows full automation of the method without need for user interaction, yielding more objective and reproducible results. We have validated the bias correction algorithm on simulated data and we illustrate its performance on various MR images with important field inhomogeneities. We also relate the proposed algorithm to other bias correction algorithms.

PMID: 10628948