Spring 2019 CRAM meeting
23rd Meeting
May 15, 2019, 1pm-5pm
Location: Boston University, 610 Commonwealth Ave, 1st Floor, Eichenbaum Room
Tau pathology and memory in aging and neurodegenerative disease
1pm General intro and dedication of meeting to Dr. Howard Eichenbaum (Mike Hasselmo and Brad Dickerson)
1:10pm Brad Dickerson, MD (MGH/Harvard) - Overview of session and background on tau pathology and tau PET
1:40 Q&A
1:50 Heidi Jacobs, PhD (MGH/Harvard/Maastricht U) - Origin and spread of tau: Associations with memory and aging
2:20 Q&A
2:30 Yakeel Quiroz, PhD (MGH/Harvard) - Tau PET and memory in autosomal dominant clinical and preclinical AD
3 Q&A
3:10 Keynote Lecture: David Wolk, MD (U Penn) - Tau PET and atrophy in the MTL and distributed cortical systems and memory
4 Q&A
4:15 Panel discussion with all speakers
4:45 Reception
Hosted by Boston University Center for Memory and Brain, BU Center for Systems Neuroscience, and Charles River Association for Memory.
Spring 2018 CRAM meeting
22nd Meeting
March 23, 2018
Location: Boston University, Photonics Center, Room 206, 8 St. Mary Street, Boston MA 02215
8:15 AM - 5:30 PM Academic Retrospective
This event will be a day-long celebration of Howard Eichenbaum’s body of academic work and his lasting scientific legacy. Registration is free but required.
8:15 AM Introduction by Bradford Dickerson
8:30 AM Neal Cohen Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL TITLE: Representations and mechanisms of declarative/relational memory: Howard Eichenbaum’s remarkable theoretical and experimental contributions.
8:55 AM Elizabeth Buffalo Department of Physiology & Biophysics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA TITLE: Maps of Cognition in the Primate Hippocampus.
9:20AM Matthew Shapiro Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Mt Sinai Health Systems, NY, NY TITLE: Keeping memory on track: interactions between the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus.
9:45 AM Geoff Schoenbaum NIDA-IRP, Triad Technology Center, Baltimore, MD TITLE: Relating orbitofrontal and hippocampal function.
10:30 AM Michael Hasselmo Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Boston University, Boston, MA TITLE: Memory and time at Boston University.
10:55 AM Emma Wood TITLE Splitting and lumping by hippocampal place cells: two sides of the same coin.
11:20 AM David Amaral UC Davis MIND Institute TITLE: An Update on the HM Project
11:45 AM Norbert Fortin Center for the Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA TITLE: Hippocampal neural mechanisms underlying the memory for sequences of events.
12:15 PM -1:30 PM Lunch Break
1:30 PM Rebecca Burwell Cognitive, Linguistic & Psychological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, RI TITLE: The neural circuitry of spatial context.
1:55 PM Joseph Manns Department of Psychology, Emory University TITLE: Remembering what’s important: brain mechanisms and mentorship.
2:20 PM Charan Ranganath Department of Psychology, UC-Davis, Davis, CA TITLE: Hippocampal and Cortical contributions to the temporal organization of human memory.
2:45 PM Marc Howard Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Boston University, Boston, MA TITLE: Jumping back in time: Retrieved temporal context.
3:10 PM Break
3:30 PM Samuel McKenzie NYU Neuroscience Institute, New York, NY TITLE: Howard’s 10-year vision: hierarchically organized neural representations across the limbic system.
3:55 PM Alison Preston Department of Psychology, University of Texas, Austin, TX TITLE: Interplay of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in memory.
4:25 PM Richard G.M. Morris Centre for Cognitive and Neural Systems, U of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland TITLE: Little doubt that my memory of Howard will be persistent; but what’s the brain mechanism?
5:30 – End
_______________________________ 6:00 PM Dedication of the Howard Eichenbaum Colloquium Room
Boston University, Kilachand Center, 610 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 101
_______________________________ 7:00 PM JOIN US FOR DINNER AND REMINISCING
Spring 2017 CRAM meeting
21st Meeting
May 10, 2017, 9am-5pm
Location: Boston University, 610 Commonwealth Ave, 1st Floor
Memory and the cognitive map
Timothy Behrens, Professor, Oxford University
Title: Storing and updating models of the world
Dmitriy Aronov, Professor, Columbia University
Title: Mapping of a continuous non-spatial dimension by the hippocampal/entorhinal circuit
Anthony Wagner, Professor, Stanford University
Title: Hippocampal contributions to memory-guided navigational planning
Patricia Bauer, Professor, Emory University
Title: Privileged retention of personal spatial information
Hugo Spiers, Reader in Neuroscience, University College of London
Title: Representations of space in the human medial temporal lobe
Hosted by Boston University Center for Memory and Brain and Charles River Association for Memory.
2016 CRAM meeting
Click here to download the program.
Location: Boston University
Hippocampus: 25 Years of Progress
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
8:45am Howard Eichenbaum: Welcome and remembering Sue Corkin
9am Edvard I. Moser: Grid cells and the entorhinal spatial map
9:40am Menno Witter: The lateral and medial entorhinal cortex: a releant distinction?
10:30am David Amaral: Hippocampal neuroanatomy: Progress and future challenges
11am Gyorgy Buzsaki: Firing patterns, network patterns, and plasticity in the hippocampus
11:30am Loren Frank: Rapidly alternating representations of present and past in hippocampal networks
12pm Richard Morris: Optogenetic neuromodulation of the hippocampus
12:30pm Lunch
1:45pm Charan Ranganath: Cortico-hippocampal systems in memory and beyond
2:20pm Matthew Shapiro: Rules keep memory on track: prefrontal cortex informs hippocampal representations
3:15pm Lynn Nadel: The hippocampus and space revisited
3:50pm Neal Cohen: What is the nature of hippocampal memory and what is it for?
4:25pm Lila Davachi: Imaging functional hippocampal pathways during memory encoding and retrieval
5pm Reception
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
8:30am: Check in
9am John O'Keefe: The honeycomb maze and hippocampal vector calculations
9:30am Alcino Silva: Molecular, cellular, and circuit mechanisms that link memories across time
10:30am Alison Preston: Hippocampal contributions to knowledge acquisition and representation
11:05am Elizabeth Buffalo: Bridging the gap between the spatial and mnemonic views of the hippocampus
11:40 Stephan Heckers: Hippocampal dysfunction in psychotic disorders
2015 CRAM meeting
Click here to download the program.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Location: Boston University- 2 Silber Way, School of Education, Room 130
Enhancing learning and memory: Current status and further directions.
1pm Introduction
1:15pm Neal Cohen, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
"The Well-Fed Hippocampus: Effects of Nutrition on Memory"
2pm Questions/Discussion
2:15pm Break
2:30pm Arthur Kramer, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
"Walking Towards a Healthier Brain & Mind"
3:15pm Questions/Discussion
3:30pm Jane Wang, Northwestern University
"Modulating hippocampal-cortical brain networks and memory using noninvasive stimulation"
4:15pm Questions
4:30pm Adjourn
Fall 2014 CRAM meeting Thursday, Dec 11, 2014; 1-4pm
Location: Harvard University, 33 Kirkland Street, William James Hall Room B01
Symposium Title: Working Memory Training: Where Do We Stand?
Susanne Jaeggi, University of California Irvine
Title: Working memory training and transfer – Knowns and unknowns
Thomas Redick, Purdue University
Title: What's working in working memory training?
Discussion moderated by John Gabrieli
Spring 2014 CRAM meeting Wednesday, Mar 26, 2014; 1-4pm
Boston University, School of Education, Room 130, Two Silber Way
(street parking or Green Line Blanford St stop)
“Prefrontal networks: Function and dysfunction in executive control”
Invited Speakers:
Menno Witter (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) “Searchlight on prefrontal -(para) hippocampal parallel interconnectivity.”
Brad Postle (University of Wisconsin) “Prefrontal contributions to short-term and working memory.”
Mark Laubach (Yale University) “Neuronal mechanisms for the adaptive control of action by the medial prefrontal cortex.”
Jeremy Seamans (University of British Columbia) “What really is the function of the anterior cingulate cortex?”
Fall 2013 CRAM meeting Wednesday, Dec 11, 2013
MIT, Building 46, 43 Vassar St, Room 3189
1:00pm False Memories: Of Mice and Men with keynote lectures by Dan Schacter, PhD, and Susumu Tonegawa, PhD
3:15pm Poster session and refreshments
5:00pm Adjourn
Spring 2013 CRAM meeting Tuesday, May 14, 2013
MIT, Building 43, 43 Vassar St, 3rd floor Singleton auditorium
Registration is free but required; please email CRAM@bostonmemory.org to indicate that you would like to attend
4:00pm Lecture by Dr. Sue Corkin, Professor Emerita, MIT: "Permanent Present Tense: The Unforgettable Life of the Amnesic Patient, H.M."
5:00pm Refreshments and book signing by Dr. Corkin
Fall 2012 CRAM meeting
Tuesday, Dec 18, 2012
Boston University: School of Education, 2 Silber Way, Room 130, Boston, MA
**note that the location is different from the usual BU location** (street parking or Green Line Blanford St stop)
Click here for Fall 2012 CRAM Program.
1:00pm - 1:05 pm Dr. Howard Eichenbaum, Boston University, Introduction
1:05pm – 1:50pm Dr. Robert Stickgold, Harvard University "Sleep-Dependent Memory Processing: Even More Than We Thought"
1:50pm – 2:00pm Discussion
2:00pm – 2:45pm Dr. Sara C. Mednick, University of California, Riverside “Breaking the Sleep Barrier: Pharmacological Explorations in Sleep-Dependent Consolidation”
2:45pm -2:55pm Discussion
2:55pm – 3:05pm Break
3:05pm – 3:50pm Dr. Erin Wamsley, Harvard University "Memories in the Sleeping Mind: Sleep-Dependent Mememory Consolidation and Dream Experience"
3:50pm – 4:00pm Discussion
4:00pm Holiday reception, mingling (with refreshments)
Spring 2012 CRAM meeting
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
BU Center for Memory and Brain: 2 Cummington Street, Room 109, Boston, MA
(street parking or Green Line Blanford St stop).
Click here for map
Registration is free but required at http://www.bostonmemory.org
1:00pm Introduction, Dr. Howard Eichenbaum
1:15pm Dr. Michael Hasselmo, Boston University, “Oscillations and cortical-hippocampal interactions involved in memory”
2:15pm Brief Discussion
2:30pm Break 2:45pm Dr. Elizabeth Buffalo, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, "Neural codes for memory and space in the monkey medial temporal lobe"
3:45pm Discussion
4:00pm Poster session, reception, mingling (with refreshments)
Click here for a pdf of the program.
Fall 2011 CRAM meeting
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
BU Center for Memory and Brain: Cummington Street, Boston, MA
2 Cummington Street, Room 109 (street parking or Green Line Blanford St stop).
Click here for map
Superior human memory
1:00pm Introduction, Drs. Howard Eichenbaum and Dan Schacter
1:15pm Dr. James L. McGaugh, Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, University of California, Irvine, “Making Lasting Memories”
1:55pm Brief Discussion
2:05pm Dr. K. Anders Ericsson, FSU Cognitive & Expertise Labs, Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Talahassee, FL, "The Challenge of Studying Complex Memory Skills"
2:45pm Discussion
3:15pm Poster session, mingling, refreshments
J.L. McGaugh
Emotionally arousing experiences are well remembered. Extensive evidence indicates that that adrenal stress hormones released by arousal regulate memory consolidation via converging influences on beta-noradrenergic activation within the basolateral amygdala (BLA). Activation of the BLA enhances memory via projections to other brain regions involved in processing different aspects of memory. The findings of both animal and human studies provide compelling evidence that stress-induced activation of the BLA and its projections to other brain regions plays a critical role in ensuring that emotionally significant experiences are remembered. Our recent research has identified individuals who have very strong and accurate memory: They have detailed memories of personal experiences and public events for most of the days of their lives. Current research is investigating the structure (MRI) of these individuals’ brains to determine whether specific brain systems are involved in enabling such strong autobiographical memories.
K.A. Ericsson
Traditional research has focused on average memory performance for standardized tasks by groups of untrained participants. The goal has been to identify generalizable memory capacities. These theories and the associated methodology have been less successful in describing and accounting for exceptional memory performance, such as improvements on the digit span of over 1,000% with practice (Ericsson, Chase, & Faloon, 1980). To identify the complex structure of acquired memory skills of a single participant Bill Chase and I developed a new methodology that combines protocol analysis and designed experimental tests.
In my talk I will discuss how Long-Term Working Memory (Ericsson & Kintsch, 1995) has been generalized to explain the acquisition and structure of memory for very large bodies of information, such as accurate recall of over 60,000 decimals of the mathematical constant pi. A general approach to the study of acquisition of expert performance in many other domains is proposed.
Spring 2011 CRAM meeting
Monday May 16, 2011
BU Center for Memory and Brain: Cummington Street, Boston, MA
24 Cummington Street, Room B03 (street parking or Green Line Blanford St stop).
Click here for map
The hippocampus and temporal organization of memory
1:00pm Introduction, Dr. Howard Eichenbaum
1:15pm Dr. Michael Kahana, University of Pennsylvania, “Context and Episodic Memory”
2:00pm Brief Discussion
2:15pm Break
2:30pm Dr. Lila Davachi, New York University, "Memory for temporally-distinct events: Insights from fMRI"
3:15pm Brief Discussion
3:30pm Dr. Wendy A. Suzuki, New York University, "Integrating What and When across the Primate Medial Temporal Lobe"
4:15pm Brief Discussion
4:30pm Reception and Mingling (refreshments will be available)
Tenth CRAM meeting, Fall 2010
Tuesday December 7, 2010
Insights into memory from functional connectivity MRI
MIT: 46-3002, 43 Vassar St., Cambridge, MA
1pm Welcome and Introduction (Brad Dickerson)
Keynote lectures
1:10 Randy Buckner, "Overview of resting state functional connectivity fMRI: Technique, fundamental applications, and future directions"
1:35 Brad Dickerson, "Links between heteromodal association cortex and the MTL memory system"
2pm Reisa Sperling, "Functional activity and connectivity of the large-scale memory network in aging"
Brief talks
2:25 Justin Vincent, "Using fcMRI to investigate the non-human primate MTL memory system"
2:40 Trey Hedden, "Disruption of default network connectivity in clinically normal older adults harboring amyloid burden"
2:55 Dale Stevens, "Correlated low-frequency BOLD fluctuations in the resting human brain are modulated by previous experience and predict subsequent memory performance"
3:10 Nathan Spreng, "Coupling between frontoparietal and default mode networks during autobiographical planning"
3:30-5pm Poster session and refreshments
Spring 2010 CRAM meeting
Tuesday April 6, 2010
BU Center for Memory and Brain: Cummington Street, Boston, MA
The focus of this meeting was on parietal contributions to memory. Keynote lectures were given by Mick Rugg (http://fnim.bio.uci.edu/Mick's_page.html) and Mickey Goldberg (http://mahoney.cpmc.columbia.edu/goldberglab/).
Fall 2009 CRAM meeting
Thursday December 3, 2009
MIT: 46-3002, 43 Vassar St., Cambridge, MA
Click here for a program.
The focus of this meeting was on frontal contributions to memory. 1pm Introduction
1:15pm Keynote lecture by Earl Miller
The prefrontal cortex: Categories, concepts, and cognition
2pm Keynote lecture by David Badre
Ventrolateral prefrontal contributions to the cognitive control of memory
2:45 General discussion
3-5pm Poster session and refreshments
Spring 2009 CRAM meeting
The spring '09 meeting was held in conjunction with a special meeting on "The Prospective Brain" organized by the Harvard Mind/Brain/Behavior Interfaculty Initiative.
Click here to visit the conference website. Wed May 27
Dan Schacter, The prospective brain
Marcus Raichle, The brain's default mode
Randy Buckner, Self-projection and the brain
Moshe Bar, The proactive brain
Donna Rose Addis, Constructive episodic simulation
Kathleen McDermott, Episodic future thought
Eleanor Maguire, Scene construction
Shelley Taylor, Envisioning the future
Arnaud D'Argembeau, Self-referential processing
Yaacov Trope, Mental construal
Matthew Wilson, Prospective coding in the hippocampus
John Lisman, Hippocampus and predictions
Howard Eichenbaum, Relational processing and past-future events
Thur, May 28
Robert Knight, Time, planning and the frontal lobe
Paul Burgess, Prospective memory and the frontal lobes
Cristina Atance, The development of episodic future thinking
David Laibson, Neuroeconomics
Marc Hauser, The timing of monkey economics
George Loewenstein, Intertemporal choice
Brian Knutson, Reward prediction
Antoine Bechara, Ventromedial prefrontal cortex and decision making
Daniel Gilbert
Timothy Wilson, Affective forecasting
Thomas Suddendorf, Mental time travel
Nicki Clayton, Planning in scrub jays
Fall 2008 CRAM meeting
The fall CRAM meeting was dedicated to the memory of H.M. and his legacy of contributions to neuroscience research, and also to Dr. Sue Corkin for outstanding scientific investigation, teaching, and humanism in her studies of H.M.
Thur, Dec 4, 2008
1 - 5 p.m.
Center for Memory and Brain, 2 Cummington Street, Room 109
Boston University (Thanks to the Center for Memory and Brain for generous sponsorship)
1:00pm Plenary talks--Perspectives on human memory disorders
Mieke Verfaellie, PhD, Director of Memory Disorders Research Center, VA
Boston and Boston University
- Semantic-episodic memory interactions in amnesia
- Understanding true and false memory in Alzheimer's disease
- Three large-scale cortical memory networks: Insights from
patients with neurodegenerative disorders
2:30pm-3:00pm Discussion
3pm Remembering H.M. (Sue Corkin)
3:10pm-5:00pm Poster session--informal, browse and discuss
Spring 2008 CRAM Meeting
This was the "memory day" of a 3 day vision and memory conference being hosted by Tufts University and co-sponsored by Tufts, the APA, and CRAM. Thanks to Haline Schendan and the program committee for organizing this outstanding conference and working with CRAM on co-sponsorship.
Second Annual Tufts University Conference on Emerging Trends in Behavioral, Affective, Social, and Cognitive (BASC) Neurosciences
Sponsored by Tufts University, the American Psychological Association, and the Charles River Association for Memory
Dates: Thurs, May 29 - Sat, May 31, 2008
Location: Tufts University in Medford, MA
Session 1: Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Learning and Memory
8:00 am - 7:00 pm Registration (outside Cohen Auditorium)
8:45 - 8:50 am Haline E. Schendan, Tufts University, Opening Remarks
8:50 - 9:40 am Suparna Rajaram, Stony Brook University. Memory and Awareness: Means of Access and Processing Requirements
9:40 - 10:30 am Ken A. Paller, Northwestern University, Declarative memory, perceptual implicit memory, and conceptual implicit memory
10:30 - 10:50 am Refreshment Break (included)
10:50 - 11:40 am Neal J. Cohen, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Hippocampus and Relational Memory in the Construction and Use of Visual Representations
11:45 - 1:15 pm Lunch (Aidekman Alumni Lounge) (included)
Session 2: Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Visual Knowledge
1:15 - 2:05 pm Haline E. Schendan, Tufts University, When and Where Vision Meets Memory: Prefrontal-Posterior Cortical Dynamics for Visual Object Knowledge
2:05 - 2:55 pm Alex Martin, National Institute of Mental Health, Fine tuning conceptual representations: A role for the anterior temporal lobes?
2:55 - 3:15 pm Refreshment Break (included)
3:15 - 4:05 pm Jocelyne Bachevalier, Emory University, Medial Temporal Lobe Structures and Memory: What Have We Learned from Lesion Studies in Nonhuman Primates?
4:05 - 4:55 pm Panel Discussion, Sessions 1 and 2, How Can Memory Inform Vision, and vice versa?
5:00 - 6:30pm Poster Session 2
Fall 2007 CRAM meeting
Wed, Nov 14, 2007
1 - 5 p.m.
MIT: 46-3189, 43 Vassar St., Cambridge, MA
1:00pm-1:40pm Plenary 1: Sue Corkin on H.M.'s legacy to cognitive neuroscience
1:45pm-2:25pm Plenary 2: Betsy Murray: What, if anything, is the MTL, and is it a declarative memory module?
2:30pm-3:00pm Discussion
3:10pm-5:00pm Poster session--informal, browse and discuss
Map of the MIT building 46 area
Spring 2007 CRAM Meeting
Wed, May 9, 2007
Center for Memory and Brain, Boston University (co-host)
George Sherman Union, 775 Commonwealth Avenue, 2nd floor -- click here for map
CRAM co-hosted a one-day workshop that examined our progress in understanding the functional organization of the medial temporal lobe memory system. In recent years there has been considerable evidence from diverse approaches, including experiments on amnesia and functional imaging in humans and lesion and single neuron recording studies in animals, demonstrating functional dissociations among medial temporal areas. This full day workshop highlighted the findings and thoughts of several internationally known investigators who have generated these data. The goal of the workshop was to review their findings and consider whether the data shed light on an overall functional organization that underlies memory processing by the MTL.
8:30 Check in (continental breakfast served)
9:30 Howard Eichenbaum
Welcome & Overview
9:45 Menno Witter
Reflections on the architecture of the medial temporal lobe memory system: Indications for interactions and functional differentiation
Session I (Michael Rugg, Chair)
10:15 Charan Ranganath
Familiarity, recollection, items, and associations: Making sense of the medial temporal lobes
10:45 Jocelyne Bachevalier
Medial temporal lobe structures and memory: What have we learned from lesion studies in nonhuman primate studies?
11:15 Moshe Bar
The parahippocampal cortex and contextual associations
11:45 James Knierim
Spatial and nonspatial information conveyed by parallel input streams into the hippocampus
12:15 Chair's discussion: Michael Rugg
12:30 Lunch
Session II (Neal Cohen, Chair)
2:00 Anthony Wagner
Remembering Events Past: Explorations of Human MTL Substructure Function
2:30 Wendy Suzuki
Comparing Associative Learning Signals across the monkey Hippocampus and Perirhinal Cortex
3:00 Craig Stark
Pattern separation in the human MTL
3:30 Matthew Wilson
Hippocampal-neocortical interactions in spatial memory processing
4:00 Chair's discussion: Neal Cohen
4:30 - 6:00 Evening reception
Fall 2006 CRAM Meeting
Wed, Nov 1, 2006
1 - 5 p.m.
MIT: 46-3189, 43 Vassar St., Cambridge, MA
1:00pm-1:45pm Plenary: Role of the medial temporal lobe in short-term memory (John Gabrieli)
1:45pm-2:00pm Discussion
2:00pm-3:30pm Data blitz--10 minute talks
Juyang Weng (MIT)
Avniel Ghuman (Harvard University)
Scott Slotnick (Boston College)
Brandon Ally (Boston University School of Medicine)
Donna Rose Addis (Harvard University)
Frida Polli (MGH)
Elizabeth Kensinger (Boston College)
Justin Vincent (Harvard University)
Noa Ofen (MIT)
Reisa Sperling (Harvard Medical School)
3:30pm-5:00pm Poster session--informal, browse and discuss
Map of the MIT building 46 area
The inaugural CRAM meeting took place on Wednesday, January 18, 2006, at MIT in the new BCSP building.
CRAM Inaugural MeetingWed, January 18, 2006
MIT, Building 46-3189
1pm Introductory comments
Brad Dickerson: Purpose of meeting
Randy Buckner: William James on memory
1:15 Specificity of memory: Convergent perspectives
Howard Eichenbaum: Perspective from behavioral neuroscience
Dan Schacter: Perspective from cognitive neuroscience
2:15 Open discussion
2:45 Break/refreshments
3pm Data blitz (5 min talk, 5 min Q & A)
Michael Hasselmo (BU)
Cholinergic mechanisms in memory function: From slice physiology to fMRI
John Lisman (Brandeis)
Amy Griffin (BU: Eichenbaum/Hasselmo)
Gradual translocation of spatial correlates of hippocampal neuronal firing during spatial attention
Jon Horvitz (BC)
Dopaminergic modulators of appetitive conditioning
Scott Slotnick (BC)
Visual memory activity supports feature- and domain-specificity
Scott Hayes (JPVA/BU/Arizona: Schnyer)
The effect of visual context on episodic object recognition
Brad Dickerson (MGH/HMS)
fMRI of overt free recall
Lindsey Jubelt (MGH/HMS: Weiss)
Effects of nicotine on source memory in schizophrenia
Andrew Budson (BU/HMS)
Response bias in Alzheimer's disease
Reisa Sperling (BWH/MGH/HMS)
Memory networks in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease
Noa Ofen (MIT: Gabrieli)
Development of memory systems underlying successful memory encoding
4:40 Discussion
5pm Adjournment