In the Media
Event/ Presenations:
Orally presented at MassAFP 2019 Annual Meeting about ASD care model and medical evaluations
Poster presentation of early screening of RITA-T works at INSAR 2019, Canada, photo with Dr. Roula Choueiri of Umass in front of the poster
Dr. Kong offered Keynote Speech on The fifth Shenzhen International Forum on Autism 10/2019, onsite patient consultation
Lab Photos:
Harvard-Shenshen International Forum on NeuroImaging - toutiao article
Harvard - Shenzhen Neuroscience Academician International Forum held - Zhao Hongfei article
Shenzhen Autism International Summit Forum - Shenzhen Maternal and Child Health Hospital Article
2016 PKU-Harvard Autism Symposium Review - En Kai community
"Experts gather Hangzhou study autism" - Zhejiang Daily Newspaper