MEG Cleanup Procedures
So that all users can enjoy a clean, organized, and efficient environment, please be sure to go through the following checklist after each measurement. (A copy of this list can be found posted on the wall of the lab)
- Save your data using the proper protocol
- Return all items used inside the MSR (eg, response pads, auditory tubes, somatosensory electrodes) to their proper storage locations
- Return settings for the stimulus systems back to the standard settings
- Clean the inside of the helmet with water if gel/cream is present
- Shut the MSR door
- Remove all two-sided tape from HPI coils and wipe with alcohol pads
- Clean EOG electrodes and electrode caps with a toothbrush so that no paste or gel remains
- Hang electrodes up so that they do not get tangled
- Hang wet caps on the stand next to the sink
- Place soiled linens in the hamper
- Report any empty or near-empty supplies in the MEG logbook
- Report any broken equipment in the MEG logbook
- Take all your personal belongings with you
- Check that the room is clean (or cleaner!) than when you arrived
Additionally, if you are the last person to run a study that day, please:
- Turn the MSR lights off
- Turn off the projector
- Turn off the intercom and TV monitor