The Daily Free Press recounts the HUBWeek event in which Center Director Bruce Rosen and medical illustrator Danny Quirk spoke about the intersectionality of human anatomy and visual art.
Matt Rosen talks to German magazine about MRI, football and nerds
July 18, 2014
The German-language publication Medizintechnologie has profiled work done by Matthew Rosen's group at the Martinos Center, using MRI-based methods for free radical detection. The article discusses the possible applications of the group's research—noting, for example, the role the methods could play in treating concussions in football players.
It goes on to ask about Rosen and his work, "Wird es also ein langhaariger, bebrillter 'Nerd' sein, der den Amerikanischen Volkssport rettet?" Translation: "Will it therefore be a long-haired, bespectacled 'nerd' who saves the American people's sport?"
Rosen rejected the idea. "Here at Harvard there are no nerds," he said.
Read the article, in German, here.