Gina Kuperberg MD PhD is a faculty member of both the Martinos Center at Mass. General Hospital (Dept. of Psychiatry) and Tufts University (Dept. of Psychology). She has a joined lab that spans across the two institutions. The lab focuses on the cognitive neuroscience of thought and language in healthy individuals and in psychiatric disorders (particularly schizophrenia). We are using multimodal imaging techniques – cognitive event-related potentials (ERPs), magneto-encephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) – to study both the temporal and spatial dimensions of cognition in the brain. We are interested in taking graduate students with some research experience in experimental psychology and/or fMRI and/or biomedical engineering and/or computer sciences, who are interested in exploring these questions.
Find more information about the lab here.
Find more information about the Psychology PhD program at Tufts here.