Shape of the myopic eye as seen with high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging

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Optom Vis Sci
1992 Sep
Journal Articles
PubMed ID: 

We have obtained multislice magnetic resonance (MR) images of the eye and calculated ocular dimensions along the three cardinal axes: antero-posterior (A-P), equatorial, and vertical. We found no difference in the shape of hyperopic (average refractive error: +3.72 D) and emmetropic eyes, both of which had an equatorial diameter longer than the A-P and vertical diameters. Myopic eyes (average refractive error: -6.54 D) were larger than hyperopic eyes, and most had the same spheroelliptical shape as that of the emmetropic and hyperopic eyes. The results suggest that during myopic progression an overall enlargement or a radial volume expansion has occurred.
