Coherent spontaneous activity identifies a hippocampal-parietal memory network
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Despite traditional theories emphasizing parietal contributions to spatial attention and sensory-motor integration, functional MRI (fMRI) experiments in normal subjects suggest that specific regions within parietal cortex may also participate in episodic memory. Here we examined correlations in spontaneous blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) signal fluctuations in a resting state to identify the network associated with the hippocampal formation (HF) and determine whether parietal regions were elements of that network. In the absence of task, stimuli, or explicit mnemonic demands, robust correlations were observed between activity in the HF and several parietal regions (including precuneus, posterior cingulate, retrosplenial cortex, and bilateral inferior parietal lobule). These HF-correlated regions in parietal cortex were spatially distinct from those correlated with the motion-sensitive MT+ complex. Reanalysis of event-related fMRI studies of recognition memory showed that the regions spontaneously correlated with the HF (but not MT+) were also modulated during directed recollection. These regions showed greater activity to successfully recollected items as compared with other trial types. Together, these results associate specific regions of parietal cortex that are sensitive to successful recollection with the HF.