Frequency-dependent responses exhibited by multiple regions in human auditory cortex

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Hear Res
2000 Dec
Journal Articles
PubMed ID: 

Recordings in experimental animals have detailed the tonotopic organization of auditory cortex, including the presence of multiple tonotopic maps. In contrast, relatively little is known about tonotopy within human auditory cortex, for which even the number and location of tonotopic maps remains unclear. The present study begins to develop a more complete picture of cortical tonotopic organization in humans using functional magnetic resonance imaging, a technique that enables the non-invasive localization of neural activity in the brain. Subjects were imaged while listening to lower- (below 660 Hz) and higher- (above 2490 Hz) frequency stimuli presented alternately and at moderate intensity. Multiple regions on the superior temporal lobe exhibited responses that depended upon stimulus spectral content. Eight of these 'frequency-dependent response regions' (FDRRs) were identified repeatedly across subjects. Four of the FDRRs exhibited a greater response to higher frequencies, and four exhibited a greater response to lower frequencies. Based upon the location of the eight FDRRs, a correspondence is proposed between FDRRs and anatomically defined cortical areas on the human superior temporal lobe. Our findings suggest that a larger number of tonotopically organized areas exist (i.e., four or more) in the human auditory cortex than was previously recognized.
