High resolution T2-weighted imaging of the human brain using surface coils and an analytical reception profile correction
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High spatial resolution T2-weighted MR images of the human brain were obtained at 1.5 T. An optimized fast spin-echo (FSE) sequence and 1.5 g/cm gradients were used to obtain T2-weighted images in 4 to 9 minutes with an in-plane resolution of .27 mm and slice thicknesses from 1.5 to 3 mm. Phased arrays of surface coils were used as receivers, providing increased sensitivity but image intensities dependent on the reception profile of the coils. This image nonuniformity was removed by analyzing the data with a theoretical intensity correction algorithm developed in this laboratory. The FSE sequences, the specialized phased arrays of surface coils, and the intensity correction algorithm allowed improved visualization of nerves within the inner auditory canals and surface anatomy of the cerebral cortex. It is expected that this technique will be useful for clinical applications that require high resolution imaging of small, superficial structures of the brain.