High-resolution surface-coil MR of cortical lesions in medically refractory epilepsy: a prospective study

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AJNR Am J Neuroradiol
1997 Feb
Journal Articles
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PURPOSE: To determine the role of surface-coil MR imaging in evaluating medically refractory neocortical partial epilepsy.
METHODS: A prospective study of 25 patients with medically refractory neocortical partial epilepsy was performed. Head- and surface-coil images were reviewed by two neuroradiologists to determine the clarity with which cortical lesions were depicted. The ability of imaging, combined with surface electroencephalography (EEG), to locate the suspected epileptogenic zone was evaluated.
RESULTS: Compared with head-coil studies, surface-coil studies showed four more lesions, caused the most probable diagnosis to be altered in five patients, and better defined the lesions in four patients. Of 11 patients with lobar EEG abnormalities, imaging showed focal cortical abnormalities within the same or adjacent lobe in five and multifocal abnormalities in two. Of six patients with EEG abnormalities restricted to two adjacent lobes, imaging showed focal cortical abnormalities in one of these lobes in five patients and multifocal abnormalities in one patient. Of eight patients with a nonfocal EEG, imaging showed focal cortical abnormalities in five and multifocal cortical abnormalities in one. In two of 13 patients, video/EEG telemetry improved seizure location whereas surface-coil imaging showed focal cortical lesions in six and provided relevant prognostic information in five.
CONCLUSION: Compared with head-coil studies, surface-coil imaging of the cerebral cortex improved detection and differentiation of focal cortical lesions in 64% of patients. Video/EEG telemetry improved location in 15% of patients, and surface-coil imaging combined with EEG results provided improved location of the suspected epileptogenic zone or relevant prognostic information in 85%.
