T₂* mapping and B₀ orientation-dependence at 7 T reveal cyto- and myeloarchitecture organization of the human cortex

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2012 Apr 2
Epub Date: 
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Journal Articles
PubMed ID: 

Ultra-high field MRI (≥ 7 T) has recently shown great sensitivity to depict patterns of tissue microarchitecture. Moreover, recent studies have demonstrated a dependency between T₂* and orientation of white matter fibers with respect to the main magnetic field B₀. In this study we probed the potential of T₂* mapping at 7 T to provide new markers of cortical architecture. We acquired multi-echo measurements at 7 T and mapped T₂* over the entire cortex of eight healthy individuals using surface-based analysis. B₀ dependence was tested by computing the angle θ(z) between the normal of the surface and the direction of B₀, then fitting T₂*(θ(z)) using model from the literature. Average T₂* in the cortex was 32.20 +/- 1.35 ms. Patterns of lower T₂* were detected in the sensorimotor, visual and auditory cortices, likely reflecting higher myelin content. Significantly lower T₂* was detected in the left hemisphere of the auditory region (p
