The imagined itch: brain circuitry supporting nocebo-induced itch in atopic dermatitis patients

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2015 Nov
Epub Date: 
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Journal Articles
PubMed ID: 

BACKGROUND: Psychological factors are known to significantly modulate itch in patients suffering from chronic itch. Itch is also highly susceptible to both placebo and nocebo (negative placebo) effects. Brain activity likely supports nocebo-induced itch, but is currently unknown.
METHODS: We collected functional MRI (fMRI) data from atopic dermatitis (AD) patients, in a within-subject design, and contrast brain response to nocebo saline understood to be allergen vs open-label saline control. Exploratory analyses compared results to real allergen itch response and placebo responsiveness, evaluated in the same patients.
RESULTS: Nocebo saline produced greater itch than open saline control (P  CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates the capacity of nocebo saline to mimic both the sensory and neural effects of real allergens and provides an insight to the brain mechanisms supporting nocebo-induced itch in AD, thus aiding our understanding of the role that expectations and other psychological factors play in modulating itch perception in chronic itch patients.
