Mol Syst Biol. 2008;4:201 doi: 10.1038/msb.2008.39. 2008 Jul 01.

Life Sciences and the web: a new era for collaboration

Sagotsky JA, Zhang L, Wang Z, Martin S, Deisboeck TS.


The World Wide Web has revolutionized how researchers from various disciplines collaborate over long distances. This is nowhere more important than in the Life Sciences, where interdisciplinary approaches are becoming increasingly powerful as a driver of both integration and discovery. Data access, data quality, identity, and provenance are all critical ingredients to facilitate and accelerate these collaborative enterprises and it is here where Semantic Web technologies promise to have a profound impact. This paper reviews the need for, and explores advantages of as well as challenges with these novel Internet information tools as illustrated with examples from the biomedical community.

PMID: 18594519