Opt Lett. 2010 Jan 1;35(1):43-5 doi: 10.1364/OL.35.000043.

Rapid volumetric angiography of cortical microvasculature with optical coherence tomography

Srinivasan VJ, Jiang JY, Yaseen MA, Radhakrishnan H, Wu W, Barry S, Cable AE, Boas DA.


We describe methods and algorithms for rapid volumetric imaging of cortical vasculature with optical coherence tomography (OCT). By optimizing system design, scanning protocols, and algorithms for visualization of capillary flow, comprehensive imaging of the surface pial vasculature and capillary bed is performed in approximately 12 s. By imaging during hypercapnia and comparing with simultaneous CCD imaging, the sources of contrast of OCT angiography are investigated.

PMID: 20664667