Neuroimage. 2012 Aug 15;62(2):699-705 doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.01.072. 2012 Jan 21.

Ultrafast inverse imaging techniques for fMRI

Lin FH, Tsai KW, Chu YH, Witzel T, Nummenmaa A, Raij T, Ahveninen J, Kuo WJ, Belliveau JW.


Inverse imaging (InI) supercharges the sampling rate of traditional functional MRI 10-100 fold at a cost of a moderate reduction in spatial resolution. The technique is inspired by similarities between multi-sensor magnetoencephalography (MEG) and highly parallel radio-frequency (RF) MRI detector arrays. Using presently available 32-channel head coils at 3T, InI can be sampled at 10 Hz and provides about 5-mm cortical spatial resolution with whole-brain coverage. Here we discuss the present applications of InI, as well as potential future challenges and opportunities in further improving its spatiotemporal resolution and sensitivity. InI may become a helpful tool for clinicians and neuroscientists for revealing the complex dynamics of brain functions during task-related and resting states.

PMID: 22285221