J Comp Neurol. 2013 Dec 15;521(18):4177-88 doi: 10.1002/cne.23432.

Medial temporal cortices in ex vivo magnetic resonance imaging

Augustinack JC, van der Kouwe AJ, Fischl B.


This review focuses on the ex vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modeling of medial temporal cortices and associated structures, the entorhinal verrucae and the perforant pathway. Typical in vivo MRI has limited resolution due to constraints on scan times and does not show laminae in the medial temporal lobe. Recent studies using ex vivo MRI have demonstrated lamina in the entorhinal, perirhinal, and hippocampal cortices. These studies have enabled probabilistic brain mapping that is based on the ex vivo MRI contrast, validated to histology, and subsequently mapped onto an in vivo spherically warped surface model. Probabilistic maps are applicable to other in vivo studies.

PMID: 23881818