Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1998 Apr;108(3):291-8

Replicability of MEG and EEG measures of the auditory N1/N1m-response

Virtanen J, Ahveninen J, Ilmoniemi RJ, Näätänen R, Pekkonen E.


We investigated the replicability of the source location, amplitude and latency measures of the auditory evoked N1 (EEG) and N1m (MEG) responses. Each of the 5 subjects was measured 6 times in two recording sessions. Responses to monaural stimuli were recorded from 122 MEG and 64 EEG channels simultaneously. The EEG data were modeled with a symmetrically-located dipole pair. For the MEG data, one dipole in each hemisphere was located independently using a subset of channels. Standard deviation (SD) was used as a measure for replicability. The average SD of the x, y and z coordinates of the contralateral N1m dipole was about 2 mm, whereas the corresponding figures for the ipsilateral N1m and the contra- and ipsilateral N1 were about twice as large. The SDs of the dipole amplitudes and latencies were almost equal with MEG and EEG. The amplitude and latency measures of the MEG field gradient waveforms were almost as replicable as those of the dipole models. The results suggest that both MEG and EEG can be used for investigating the simultaneous activity of the left and right auditory cortices independently, MEG being superior in certain experimental setups.

PMID: 9607518