AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1986 Aug;147(2):357-62 doi: 10.2214/ajr.147.2.357.

Dynamic spin-echo MRI of liver cancer using Gadolinium-DTPA: animal investigation

Saini S, Stark DD, Brady TJ, Wittenberg J, Ferrucci JT Jr.


An animal model of liver cancer was used to demonstrate that with a fast MRI technique, Gadolinium-DTPA increases tumor-liver contrast. A spin-echo pulse sequence with short repetition (TR) and echo-delay (TE) times (TR 250/TE 15/Excitations 1) has a scan time of 0.6 min, which allows early dynamic postcontrast infusion imaging. This is necessary to capture peak compartmental differences when an extracellular contrast agent such as Gadolinium-DTPA is used. This short TR/short TE pulse sequence also increases T1-dependent tissue contrast over the traditional (inversion recovery or spin echo) T1-weighted pulse sequences. Our studies suggest a significant potential for improved detection of liver metastases with Gadolinium-DTPA-enhanced liver MRI.

PMID: 3487953