Forty-three patients with liver metastases were imaged using 14 different pulse sequences (average, 7.5 sequences per patient) to allow direct comparison of their performance. "T2-weighted" spin-echo (SE) images, "T1-weighted" inversion recovery (IR) images, and "T1-weighted" SE images were obtained using a wide range of timing parameters. Pulse sequence performance was quantitated by measuring liver signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios and cancer-liver signal difference-to-noise (SD/N) ratios. Data were standardized to reflect a constant imaging time of 9 minutes for all pulse sequences. The SE 2,000/120 (TR [repetition time]/TE [echo time]) sequence resulted in the greatest SD/N ratio of the T2-weighted SE sequences but also yielded the low S/N ratios, poor anatomic resolution, and motion artifacts common to all T2-weighted SE images. IR sequence images were also sensitive to motion artifacts because of the use of a long TR (1,500 msec). Short TR/TE T1-weighted SE sequences (SE 260/18) had the greatest SD/N ratio (P less than .05), S/N ratio, and anatomic resolution. Furthermore, extensive signal averaging appears to be a powerful solution to all types of motion artifacts in the abdomen.