Nat Med. 1998 Nov;4(11):1308-12 doi: 10.1038/3300.

Combined PET/MRS brain studies show dynamic and long-term physiological changes in a primate model of Parkinson disease

Brownell AL, Jenkins BG, Elmaleh DR, Deacon TW, Spealman RD, Isacson O.


We used brain imaging to study long-term neurodegenerative and bioadaptive neurochemical changes in a primate model of Parkinson disease. We gradually induced a selective loss of nigrostriatal dopamine neurons, similar to that of Parkinson disease, by creating oxidative stress through infusion of the mitochondrial complex 1 inhibitor MPTP for 14+/-5 months. Repeated evaluations over 3 years by positron emission tomography (PET) demonstrated progressive and persistent loss of neuronal dopamine pre-synaptic re-uptake sites; repeated magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) studies indicated a 23-fold increase in lactate and macromolecules in the striatum region of the brain for up to 10 months after the last administration of MPTP. By 2 years after the MPTP infusions, these MRS striatal lactate and macromolecule values had returned to normal levels. In contrast, there were persistent increases in striatal choline and decreases in N-acetylaspartate. Thus, these combined PET/MRS studies demonstrate patterns of neurochemical changes that are both dynamic and persistent long after selective dopaminergic degeneration.

PMID: 9809556