Neuropsychology. 2001 Jan;15(1):69-79

H.M. revisits the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle

Xu Y, Corkin S.


To address the controversy of whether an intact procedural memory system alone can support the learning of the recursive strategy for solving the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle, the authors tested 2 amnesic patients, H.M. and P.N. Contrary to the report of N. J. Cohen, H. Eichenbaum, B. S. Deacedo, and S. Corkin (1985), both patients failed to master the recursive strategy under the active-interaction condition. In contrast, normal control participants were able to master the strategy under identical testing conditions. The failure of H.M. and P.N. could not be attributed to the differences between the original and current testing conditions. In addition, neither patient showed frontal lobe dysfunction or impairment in procedural memory. Together with evidence provided by theoretical analyses of this puzzle as well as studies on normal participants, the authors conclude that declarative memory plays a vital role in the acquisition of the recursive strategy for solving the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle.

PMID: 11216891