Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1991;640:28-35

Visual function in Alzheimer's disease and normal aging

Cronin-Golomb A, Rizzo JF, Corkin S, Growdon JH.


We examined a wide range of visual behaviors in 59 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), 35 elderly control subjects, and 12 young control subjects. A subset of the patients with AD received neuro-ophthalmologic and electrophysiologic examinations in order to evaluate the integrity of the retino-calcarine pathway. Patients with AD showed significant, selective losses in visual function, including color discrimination, stereoacuity, contrast sensitivity, and backward masking, but not in critical flicker fusion. The deficits were not attributable to clinically apparent lesions of the retina or optic nerve. We therefore suggest that AD lesions in primary visual and posterior association cortices underlie the observed behavioral abnormalities.

PMID: 1776752