J Neurophysiol. 2002 Jun;87(6):3048-58

Electrotonic coupling in the inferior olivary nucleus revealed by simultaneous double patch recordings

Devor A, Yarom Y.


Electrotonic coupling in the inferior olivary (IO) nucleus is assumed to play a crucial role in generating the subthreshold membrane potential oscillations in olivary neurons and in synchronizing climbing fiber input into the cerebellar cortex. We studied the strength and spatial distribution of the coupling by simultaneous double patch recordings from olivary neurons in the brain slice preparation. Electrotonic coupling was observed in 50% of the cell pairs. The coupling coefficient (CC), defined as the ratio between voltage responses of the post- and the prejunctional cell, varied between 0.002 and 0.17; most of the pairs were weakly coupled. In more than 75% of the pairs, the CC was or =50 neurons forming two distinct networks of curly and straight cells.

PMID: 12037207