PLoS One. 2009;4(4):e5007 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0005007. 2009 Apr 01.

Migraine aura: retracting particle-like waves in weakly susceptible cortex

Dahlem MA, Hadjikhani N.


Cortical spreading depression (SD) has been suggested to underlie migraine aura. Despite a precise match in speed, the spatio-temporal patterns of SD observed in animal cortex and aura symptoms mapped to the cortical surface ordinarily differ in aspects of size and shape. We show that this mismatch is reconciled by utilizing that both pattern types bifurcate from an instability point of generic reaction-diffusion models. To classify these spatio-temporal pattern we suggest a susceptibility scale having the value sigma = 1 at the instability point. We predict that human cortex is only weakly susceptible to SD (sigma1), and potentially silent aura occurring below a second bifurcation point at sigma = 0 on the susceptible scale.

PMID: 19337363