Funct Neurol. 2000;15 Suppl 3:9-18

Experimental models of migraine

Reuter U, Sanchez del Rio M, Moskowitz MA.


Experimental models have been developed to study various aspects of migraine. Here we describe the most commonly used models--mostly animal models--which led to the development of a pathophysiological concept of migraine. We focus on activation studies of the trigeminovascular system, the sphenopalatine ganglion, the superior sagittal sinus, the dura mater as well as blood vessels. The most common consequences of activation are noted and include protein extravasation, neuropeptide release, rCBF and diameter changes, c-fos expression and electrical neuronal activity. In addition, we briefly summarize the results of cortical spreading depression studies, as they relate to the human migraine aura. These models will continue to be useful to elucidate migraine pathophysiology and explore drug mechanisms.

PMID: 11200808