Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2006 Sep;74(3 Pt 2):036618 2006 Sep 26.

Correlation transfer equation for ultrasound-modulated multiply scattered light

Sakadzić S, Wang LV.


In this paper, we develop a temporal correlation transfer equation (CTE) for ultrasound-modulated multiply scattered light. The equation can be used to obtain the time-varying specific intensity of light produced by a nonuniform ultrasound field in optically scattering media that have a heterogeneous distribution of optical parameters. We also develop a Monte Carlo algorithm that can provide the spatial distribution of the optical power spectrum in optically scattering media with focused ultrasound fields, and heterogeneous distributions of optically scattering and absorbing objects. Derivation of the CTE is based on the ladder diagram approximation of the Bethe-Salpeter equation that assumes moderate ultrasound pressures. We expect the CTE to be applicable to a wide spectrum of conditions in the ultrasound-modulated optical tomography of soft biological tissues.

PMID: 17025775