Neurosci Lett. 1994 Aug 1;176(2):137-41

Distribution of immediate early gene zif-268, c-fos, c-jun and jun-D mRNAs in the adult cat with special references to brain region related to vision

Zhang F, Halleux P, Arckens L, Vanduffel W, Van Brée L, Mailleux P, Vandesande F, Orban GA, Vanderhaeghen JJ.


The distribution of immediate early gene zif-268, c-fos, c-jun and jun-D mRNAs was investigated in the visual cortex, dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and hippocampus of the adult cat brain with in situ hybridization. In area 17, zif-268, c-jun and jun-D were found predominantly in layers II-III and VI, while c-fos mRNA was abundant in layer VI. In area 18, the zif-268, c-fos and c-jun labelling pattern was identical to that of area 17, this was not true for jun-D. In area 19, only c-jun retained the lamination pattern of areas 17 and 18, while zif-268, c-fos and jun-D were homogeneously distributed. In the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, only c-fos and jun-D resulted in labelling. In the pyramidal layer of hippocampus, zif-268 was found in CA1-4, c-jun in CA1-3, and jun-D in CA2-4. In the dentate gyrus, c-jun was abundant, jun-D moderate and zif-268 faint. C-fos labelling was absent in the hippocampal formation.

PMID: 7830935