Opt Lett. 2006 Dec 1;31(23):3459-61

Depth-resolved imaging of functional activation in the rat cerebral cortex using optical coherence tomography

Aguirre AD, Chen Y, Fujimoto JG, Ruvinskaya L, Devor A, Boas DA.


Co-registered optical coherence tomography (OCT) and video microscopy of the rat somatosensory cortex were acquired simultaneously through a thinned skull during forepaw electrical stimulation. Fractional signal change measured by OCT revealed a functional signal time course corresponding to the hemodynamic signal measurement made with video microscopy. OCT can provide high-resolution, cross-sectional images of functional neurovascular activation and may offer a new tool for basic neuroscience research in the important rat cerebral cortex model.

PMID: 17099749