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Visual recalibration and selective adaptation in auditory-visual speech perception: Contrasting build-up courses

Vroomen J, van Linden S, de Gelder B, Bertelson P.


Exposure to incongruent auditory and visual speech produces both visual recalibration and selective adaptation of auditory speech identification. In an earlier study, exposure to an ambiguous auditory utterance (intermediate between /aba/ and /ada/) dubbed onto the video of a face articulating either /aba/ or /ada/, recalibrated the perceived identity of auditory targets in the direction of the visual component, while exposure to congruent non-ambiguous /aba/ or /ada/ pairs created selective adaptation, i.e. a shift of perceived identity in the opposite direction [Bertelson, P., Vroomen, J., & de Gelder, B. (2003). Visual recalibration of auditory speech identification: a McGurk aftereffect. Psychological Science, 14, 592-597]. Here, we examined the build-up course of the after-effects produced by the same two types of bimodal adapters, over a 1-256 range of presentations. The (negative) after-effects of non-ambiguous congruent adapters increased monotonically across that range, while those of ambiguous incongruent adapters followed a curvilinear course, going up and then down with increasing exposure. This pattern is discussed in terms of an asynchronous interaction between recalibration and selective adaptation processes.

PMID: 16530233