Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Changes in regional gray matter volume in women with chronic pelvic pain: a voxel-based morphometry study

Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a highly prevalent pain condition, estimated to affect 15%-20% of women in the United States. Endometriosis is often associated with CPP, however, other factors, such as preexisting or concomitant changes of the central pain system, might contribute to the development of chronic pain. We applied voxel-based morphometry to determine whether women with CPP with and without endometriosis display changes in brain morphology in regions known to be involved in pain processing.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

Noninvasive MRI-SERS imaging in living mice using an innately bimodal nanomaterial

We report a novel nanomaterial (AuMN-DTTC) that can be used as a bimodal contrast agent for in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Raman spectroscopy. The probe consists of MRI-active superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, stably complexed with gold nanostructures. The gold component serves as a substrate for a Raman active dye molecule to generate a surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effect. The synthesized probe produces T2 weighted contrast and can be used as a SERS active material both in silico (in aqueous solution) and in vivo.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
ACS Nano

Automated probabilistic reconstruction of white-matter pathways in health and disease using an atlas of the underlying anatomy

We have developed a method for automated probabilistic reconstruction of a set of major white-matter pathways from diffusion-weighted MR images. Our method is called TRACULA (TRActs Constrained by UnderLying Anatomy) and utilizes prior information on the anatomy of the pathways from a set of training subjects. By incorporating this prior knowledge in the reconstruction procedure, our method obviates the need for manual interaction with the tract solutions at a later stage and thus facilitates the application of tractography to large studies.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Front Neuroinform

Imaging stroke patients with unclear onset times

Stroke is a leading cause of death and adult morbidity worldwide. By defining stroke symptom onset by the time the patient was last known to be well, many patients whose onsets are unwitnessed are automatically ineligible for thrombolytic therapy. Advanced brain imaging may serve as a substitute witness to estimate stroke onset and duration in those patients who do not have a human witness.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Neuroimaging Clin N Am

Development of a MR-visible compound for tracing neuroanatomical connections in vivo

Traditional studies of neuroanatomical connections require injection of tracer compounds into living brains, then histology of the postmortem tissue. Here, we describe and validate a compound that reveals neuronal connections in vivo, using MRI. The classic anatomical tracer CTB (cholera-toxin subunit-B) was conjugated with a gadolinium-chelate to form GdDOTA-CTB. GdDOTA-CTB was injected into the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) or the olfactory pathway of rats. High-resolution MR images were collected at a range of time points at 11.7T and 7T.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

Differences in cortical response to acupressure and electroacupuncture stimuli

BACKGROUND: FMRI studies focus on sub-cortical effects of acupuncture stimuli. The purpose of this study was to assess changes in primary somatosensory (S1) activity over the course of different types of acupuncture stimulation. We used whole head magnetoencephalography (MEG) to map S1 brain response during 15 minutes of electroacupuncture (EA) and acupressure (AP). We further assessed how brain response changed during the course of stimulation.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
BMC Neurosci

Grounding emotion in situated conceptualization

According to the Conceptual Act Theory of Emotion, the situated conceptualization used to construe a situation determines the emotion experienced. A neuroimaging experiment tested two core hypotheses of this theory: (1) different situated conceptualizations produce different forms of the same emotion in different situations, (2) the composition of a situated conceptualization emerges from shared multimodal circuitry distributed across the brain that produces emotional states generally. To test these hypotheses, the situation in which participants experienced an emotion was manipulated.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

How emotion leads to selective memory: neuroimaging evidence

Often memory for emotionally arousing items is enhanced relative to neutral items within complex visual scenes, but this enhancement can come at the expense of memory for peripheral background information. This 'trade-off' effect has been elicited by a range of stimulus valence and arousal levels, yet the magnitude of the effect has been shown to vary with these factors. Using fMRI, this study investigated the neural mechanisms underlying this selective memory for emotional scenes. Further, we examined how these processes are affected by stimulus dimensions of arousal and valence.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

Combined small interfering RNA therapy and in vivo magnetic resonance imaging in islet transplantation

OBJECTIVE: Recent advances in human islet transplantation are hampered by significant graft loss shortly after transplantation and inability to follow islet fate directly. Both issues were addressed by utilizing a dual-purpose therapy/imaging small interfering RNA (siRNA)-nanoparticle probe targeting apoptotic-related gene caspase-3. We expect that treatment with the probe would result in significantly better survival of transplanted islets, which could be monitored by in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles


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