Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

The advantage of combining MEG and EEG: comparison to fMRI in focally stimulated visual cortex

To exploit the high (millisecond) temporal resolution of magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG) for measuring neuronal dynamics within well-defined brain regions, it is important to quantitatively assess their localizing ability. Previous modeling studies and empirical data suggest that a combination of MEG and EEG signals should yield the most accurate localization, due to their complementary sensitivities.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

Geometrically accurate topology-correction of cortical surfaces using nonseparating loops

In this paper, we focus on the retrospective topology correction of surfaces. We propose a technique to accurately correct the spherical topology of cortical surfaces. Specifically, we construct a mapping from the original surface onto the sphere to detect topological defects as minimal nonhomeomorphic regions. The topology of each defect is then corrected by opening and sealing the surface along a set of nonseparating loops that are selected in a Bayesian framework.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
IEEE Trans Med Imaging

Association fibre pathways of the brain: parallel observations from diffusion spectrum imaging and autoradiography

Understanding the long association pathways that convey cortical connections is a critical step in exploring the anatomic substrates of cognition in health and disease. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is able to demonstrate fibre tracts non-invasively, but present approaches have been hampered by the inability to visualize fibres that have intersecting trajectories (crossing fibres), and by the lack of a detailed map of the origins, course and terminations of the white matter pathways.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

Mental rotation and object categorization share a common network of prefrontal and dorsal and ventral regions of posterior cortex

The multiple-views-plus-transformation variant of object model verification theories predicts that parietal regions that are critical for mental rotation contribute to visual object cognition. Some neuroimaging studies have shown that the intraparietal sulcus region is critically involved in mental rotation. Other studies indicate that both ventral and dorsal posterior regions are object-sensitive and involved in object perception and categorization tasks. However, it is unknown whether dorsal object-sensitive areas overlap with regions recruited for object mental rotation.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

Correlated change in upper limb function and motor cortex activation after verum and sham acupuncture in patients with chronic stroke

BACKGROUND: Acupuncture may improve motor function in patients with chronic hemiparetic stroke, yet the neural mechanisms underlying such an effect are unknown. As part of a sham-controlled, randomized clinical trial testing the efficacy of a 10-week acupuncture protocol in patients with chronic hemiparetic stroke, we examined the relationship between changes in function of the affected upper limb and brain activation using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
J Altern Complement Med

Brain activation during implicit sequence learning in individuals with trichotillomania

Trichotillomania (TTM) may be related to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and other neuropsychiatric conditions characterized by cortico-striatal dysfunction. Functional imaging studies of OCD using an implicit learning task have found abnormalities in striatal and hippocampal activation. The current study investigated whether similar abnormalities occur in TTM. Functional MRI and the serial reaction time (SRT) task were used to assess striatal and hippocampal activation during implicit sequence learning in TTM and healthy control (HC) subjects.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Psychiatry Res

Superselective intracerebral catheterization of a branch of the internal carotid artery coupled with magnetic resonance imaging

SUMMARY: We used fluoroscopic guidance and over-thewire techniques to superselectively place a microcatheter into a branch of the MCA of three macaques and MRI bolus tracking techniques to measure perfusion within the selected brain region. Such techniques are likely to be useful in the assessment and treatment of ischemic infarction, cerebral vasospasm, and monitoring local delivery of drugs into the brain.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Interv Neuroradiol

Geometry driven volumetric registration

In this paper, we propose a novel method for the registration of volumetric images of the brain that attempts to maximize the overlap of cortical folds. In order to achieve this, relevant geometrical information is extracted from a surface-based morph and is diffused throughout the volume using the Navier operator of elasticity. The result is a volumetric warp that aligns the folding patterns.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Inf Process Med Imaging

Comment on Devlin and Poldrack

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

Automatic relevance determination based hierarchical Bayesian MEG inversion in practice

In recent simulation studies, a hierarchical Variational Bayesian (VB) method, which can be seen as a generalisation of the traditional minimum-norm estimate (MNE), was introduced for reconstructing distributed MEG sources. Here, we studied how nonlinearities in the estimation process and hyperparameter selection affect the inverse solutions, the feasibility of a full Bayesian treatment of the hyperparameters, and multimodality of the true posterior, in an empirical dataset wherein a male subject was presented with pure tone and checkerboard reversal stimuli, alone and in combination.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles


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