Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Serial proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging of glioblastoma multiforme after brachytherapy

The utility of three-dimensional (3-D) proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) imaging for detecting metabolic changes after brain tumor therapy was assessed in a serial study of 58 total examinations of 12 patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) who received brachytherapy. Individual proton spectra from the 3-D array of spectra encompassing the lesion showed dramatic differences in spectral patterns indicative of radiation necrosis, recurrent or residual tumor, or normal brain.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
J Neurosurg

Phased array detectors and an automated intensity-correction algorithm for high-resolution MR imaging of the human brain

Two- and four-coil phased array detectors were developed to increase the sensitivity and resolution of MR imaging of the human brain cortex, especially for detecting cortical dysplasias in pediatric epilepsy patients. An automated intensity correction algorithm based on an edge-completed, low-pass filtered image was used to correct the image intensity for the inhomogenous reception profile of the coils. Seven phased array coils were constructed and tested.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Magn Reson Med

32-channel phased-array receive with asymmetric birdcage transmit coil for hyperpolarized xenon-129 lung imaging

Hyperpolarized xenon-129 has the potential to become a noninvasive contrast agent for lung MRI. In addition to its utility for imaging of ventilated airspaces, the property of xenon to dissolve in lung tissue and blood upon inhalation provides the opportunity to study gas exchange. Implementations of imaging protocols for obtaining regional parameters that exploit the dissolved phase are limited by the available signal-to-noise ratio, excitation homogeneity, and length of acquisition times.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Magn Reson Med

Alignment of volume MR images and high resolution [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose PET images for the evaluation of patients with brain tumors

PURPOSE: The goal of the study was to investigate the use of automated registration techniques for interpretation of volume MR and high resolution FDG-PET images that were obtained from patients with brain tumors.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
J Comput Assist Tomogr

Imaging genomic mapping of an invasive MRI phenotype predicts patient outcome and metabolic dysfunction: a TCGA glioma phenotype research group project

BACKGROUND: Invasion of tumor cells into adjacent brain parenchyma is a major cause of treatment failure in glioblastoma. Furthermore, invasive tumors are shown to have a different genomic composition and metabolic abnormalities that allow for a more aggressive GBM phenotype and resistance to therapy. We thus seek to identify those genomic abnormalities associated with a highly aggressive and invasive GBM imaging-phenotype.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
BMC Med Genomics

ABC/2 for rapid clinical estimate of infarct, perfusion, and mismatch volumes

BACKGROUND: Rapid and easy clinical assessments for volumes of infarction and perfusion mismatch are needed. We tested whether simple geometric models generated accurate estimates of these volumes.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

A score to predict early risk of recurrence after ischemic stroke

BACKGROUND: There is currently no instrument to stratify patients presenting with ischemic stroke according to early risk of recurrent stroke. We sought to develop a comprehensive prognostic score to predict 90-day risk of recurrent stroke.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density

Therapeutic interventions that incorporate training in mindfulness meditation have become increasingly popular, but to date little is known about neural mechanisms associated with these interventions. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), one of the most widely used mindfulness training programs, has been reported to produce positive effects on psychological well-being and to ameliorate symptoms of a number of disorders. Here, we report a controlled longitudinal study to investigate pre-post changes in brain gray matter concentration attributable to participation in an MBSR program.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Psychiatry Res

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy study of oxygen therapy in ischemic stroke

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Recent studies suggest that normobaric oxygen therapy (NBO) is neuroprotective in acute ischemic stroke.
METHODS: We performed multivoxel magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging and diffusion/perfusion MRI in patients with stroke treated with NBO or room air. Imaging was performed before, during, and after therapy.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

Change in Brainstem Gray Matter Concentration Following a Mindfulness-Based Intervention is Correlated with Improvement in Psychological Well-Being

Individuals can improve their levels of psychological well-being (PWB) through utilization of psychological interventions, including the practice of mindfulness meditation, which is defined as the non-judgmental awareness of experiences in the present moment. We recently reported that an 8-week-mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) course lead to increases in gray matter concentration in several brain areas, as detected with voxel-based morphometry of magnetization prepared rapid acquisition gradient echo MRI scans, including the pons/raphe/locus coeruleus area of the brainstem.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Front Hum Neurosci


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