functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

fMRI 25 Symposium and Reception

December 6, 2016 (All day)
Joseph Martin Conference Center, Harvard Medical School

Join us in celebrating 25 years of functional MRI. More information here.

Brainmap: Robert Barry PhD- Neuroimaging of Brain and Spinal Cord at 7 Tesla

October 19, 2016 - 12:00pm



Meet Our Students: Melissa Haskell, MRI, And Modeling Motion During Scans

May 3, 2016

The Martinos Center is the research home to a number of talented graduate students. We checked in with one of them to see what she's been up to.

Is Functional MRI The New X-Ray Vision?

March 24, 2016

In 1895, the introduction of X-ray transformed our understandings of the nature of seeing and knowing. Nearly a century later functional MRI did it all over again. We spoke with Bruce Rosen, the Director of the MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, about how.

The Neuroscience Of Paying Attention (Or Not)

February 14, 2016

In a new study, Martinos Center investigators shed light on why we spend so much time lost in thought.

Why We Itch When Other People Scratch: An fMRI Study

October 5, 2015

We know from research, and from everyday life, that an itch can be contagious. What we don’t fully understand, from a neuroscience perspective, is why.


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