David Sosnovik, MD, FACC
Professional Information
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Director, Program in Cardiovascular Imaging, MGH-Martinos Center For Biomedical Imagiing
MD Medicine, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 1993
Research Fellow Physics, Dept. of Physics, Washington University, St Louis,
Resident Internal Medicine, Washington University, St Louis,
Fellow Cardiology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Mailing Address
149 Thirteenth Street, Rm 2301
Charlestown, MA 02129
Additional Information
My research focuses on the development and application of novel imaging technologies in Cardiovascular Medicine. Projects range from the study of magnetic nanoparticles to the development of novel hardware platforms for clinical imaging. Particular interests include the development of high field (3-15 Tesla) MRI for cardiovascular imaging, molecular MRI, the use of ultra-high element radiofrequency arrays for parallel reception in the heart, diffusion MRI-tractography of myocardial fiber architecture, parallel transmission in cardiovascular MRI and the development of multi-modality platforms such as MR-PET. A list of recent publications on these topics and others can be found on the pubmed website under "sosnovik d".
Other areas of active research within the Program include a highly active effort in the MRI of coronary atherosclerosis, BOLD contrast in the myocardium, cardiovascular mechanics, single shot and rapid cardiac imaging techniques and spectroscopy of degenerative and diseased cardiovascular tissues. More details on these activities can be found on our wedsite at http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/cardiovasc.