xds [-z <zoomfactor>] [-r <aspectratio>] [-hqMPRI] [-A <activationfile> ] [-E <activationfile> ] [-v <overlayfile>] [-m <colormapfile>] [-l <logfile>] [-L <black_dataval>] [-H <white_dataval>] [-C <cycle_length>] [-s <startimagenum>] [-# <numimages>] [-e <endimagenum>] <imagefile.ext> [[-s <n>] [-e <n>] [-# <n>] <file2.ext2>] ... [-b] bilinear interpolation mode. [-u] Turn on background loading. Load/Unload X Server memory. [-z <n>] Increase image size by a factor of <n> in linear dimensions. [-r <float>] Make the pixels <float> times larger in the vertical direction. [-h] Print help information. (Same as 'h' key). [-q] Toggle quiet mode (don't print statistics). (Same as 'Q' key). -[M]|[P]|[R]|[I] Define data as complex and select mag, phase, real, or imaginary. (Same as '1 D', '2 D', '3 D', and '4 D' respectively.) [-E <file>] Filename for overlay color image, 0-100 linear scale. [-A <file>] Filename for statistical image (KS_grinder or T_grinder output) [-v <file>] Filename for overlay data (ascii x,y pairs) or seg .otl file. [-m <file>] Filename to load 256 ascii triples as 0-65535 rgb color map. [-c <file>] Load colors as for -m <file>, but with windowable grays. Data file then must vary only [0..255], interpreted as colors. [-l <file>] Filename to save log data into (output of 's' command). [-f <file>] Filename for Plot Commands in Image window (see sample plotter file). [-g <file>] Filename for Plot Commands in Graph window (see sample plotter file). [-B <thickness>] Big graph lines and cursor for visual impact. [-W] Auto window and level each window individually (for disparate images). [-L <float>],[-H <float>] User-defined data limits to force image contrast. Data outside this range will be displayed as black or white. [-C <n>] Treat loaded data as cycles of length <n> plotted in graph window. [-s <n>] Start loading at image <n>, where n starts at 0. [-# <n>]|[-e <n>] Load the following file for <n> images or at image <n>. <imagefile.ext> Image stack filenames, named with appropriate extension; Input files must be acceptable to read_image(), or ANMR .im files. N.B. The -s, -e, -# parameters apply only to SUBSEQUENT files, and until replaced. e.g. xds -s 0 -# 10 f1.bshort -s1 -#10 f2.bshort reads 20 images, but the second -#10 is redundant.
STATISTICS OPERATIONS: (after reading in a -A stats overlay)
A: Toggle showing activation overlay
<n> ^L: (control-L) Set low activation threshold (default 4.6, or p=0.01)
<n> ^H: (control-H) Set high activation threshold (default 20)
<n> ^A: (control-A) Change p-value for show-through w/o changing colormap.
^T: (control-T) Cycle through viewing (both, + only, - only, abs(A)) activations.
OVERLAY OPERATIONS: (Button 1 to draw rectangles)
o: Load command-line -o file data into the working overlay set.
O: Rewrite (save) current overlay set data as the -o file in ascii int pairs.
<n> z: Set working overlay to overlay <n> (a single overlay, <n> is 0-3).
<n> Z: Toggle overlay <n> in/out of working set (multiple active overlays).
x: Set pixel at pointer into the overlay.
X: Toggle pixel at pointer into or out of the overlay.
c: Clear pixel at pointer out of the overlay.
C: Clear the current overlay completely. (w and W above also work on ROI if selected.)
d<n>: Mark a square region n by n pixels in size.
HJKL: Move the overlays left,right,up,down.
s: Report statistics (mean and stdev) for overlayed area for image stack; show mean and stdev on graph as well.
S: Prints overlay stats for current image to stdout if not in Quiet mode.