DTI Task Card Update Log
Underline indicates new feature.
V1.70 build 2005.03.15 (released)
- Released V1.70 build 2005.03.15 for VA21/VA23/VA25/VB11.
V1.70 build 2005.03.10
- Now supports arbitrary number of direction GE data. Required is that the low b images must come first, i.e., if sorted by image number, low b images should be on top.
- Track file changed to binary format for compatibility. See the documentation for detail.
V1.69 build 2005.01.19
- Installer now supports Windows XP based Leonardo station.
V1.69 build 2005.01.18
- Minor bugfix: camera button position offset.
V1.69 build 2004.08.18 (released)
- Released V1.69 build 2004.08.04 for VA21/VA23/VA25/VB11.
V1.69 build 2004.06.10
- Added a few more statistics for fiber.
- Added undo for ROI editing.
- Modified installer to support Windows XP.
- Support VA25 and VB11 now.
V1.68 build 2004.05.20
- Improved layout management. Support higher screen resolution now.
V1.68 build 2004.05.10
- New feature: Shift + right click to display voxel information in tractography view.
- Able to display the volume of the ROI in ROI property dialog box.
V1.68 build 2004.05.04 (released)
- Released v1.68 build 2004.05.04 for VA21/VA23.
V1.68 build 2004.04.29
- Minor improvement: can now take non-square Mosaic data.
V1.68 build 2004.04.12
- Bug fix: crash when gradient direction ini file could not be found.
V1.68 build 2004.03.18
- Bug fix: Coronal and Sagittal tensor view only showed half of the slices.
- Modified ROI menu. Added "Properties", removed "Set Color" and "Rename".
V1.67 build 2004.03.10
- Improved automatic noise thresholding by using histogram.
V1.67 build 2004.03.08
- Able to save ROI and fiber to files as Analyze format volume. Also able to load Analyze volume as ROI.
- Improved flood fill algorithm for ROI filling. More efficient and no stack overflow.
V1.67 build 2004.03.05
- Able to fill closed region for ROI selecting by Ctrl + Middle button.
- Added options that can save DTI maps (FA, Eigens, Tensors, ADC, etc.) to files in Analyze format.
V1.67 build 2004.03.02 (released)
- Released v1.67 build 2004.03.02 for VA21/VA23.
V1.67 build 2004.02.25
- Added saving fiber volume to file. Able to save a fiber bundle as an analyze format volume file.
V1.67 build 2004.02.22
- Added ROI editing option. Able to edit an existing finished ROI. Also enabled voxel deleting when drawing ROI. See documentation for details.
V1.67 build 2004.02.12
- Minor bugfix that The ROIs disappeared after adjusting windowing level using middle mouse button.
V1.67 build 2004.02.08
- Added restoring tractography view to Sagittal/Coronal/Axial.
- Bug fixed in Tracking option settings.
V1.67 build 2004.01.25
- Added mean ADC and DWI values of ROI in ROI menu.
V1.66 build 2003.12.29
- Added a 3D annotation box in tractography view.
V1.66 build 2003.12.19
- Added DWI and EXP maps in plain image viewing. Added saving DWI, EXP and LOWB maps as new series.
- Minor memory leak fixed.
V1.66 build 2003.12.01
- Added mean FA info on ROI menu.
- Improved ROI visualizing. ROI now is visualized as a smooth volume contour.
V1.66 build 2003.11.05
- Improved ROI loading. Loading large ROI is much faster.
V1.66 build 2003.11.03
- Added missing tooltips of some of the tool buttons.
V1.66 build 2003.10.28 (released)
- Released v1.66 build 2003.10.28 for VA15/VA21/VA23.
V1.66 build 2003.10.20
- Rearranged the order of slice location sliders.
- Minor bugfix on scrollbar control.
V1.66 build 2003.10.09
- Added normalization of gradient directions to keep eigenvalue calculation consistent.
V1.66 build 2003.10.01
- Can now take Coronal and Sagittal data and literally any oblique image data.
V1.65 build 2003.09.22
- Minor bugfix in re-tracking after fiber parameter changed.
- Changed FA map scale factor to 1000 and ADC scale factor to 1000000 for convenience of calculation. See the documentation for details.
V1.65 build 2003.09.16
- Minor bugfix in fiber tracking parameter setting.
V1.65 build 2003.09.12 (released)
- Released v1.65 build 2003.09.12 for VA15/VA21/VA23.
V1.65 build 2003.09.09
- Bugfix on VTK's eigen solver.
V1.65 build 2003.09.03
V1.65 build 2003.08.29
- Can now read the image orientation information and use that to reconstruct tensor for non-standard axial data.
- Bugfix for interpolation of raw data with more than 6 diffusion directions.
- Bugfix for Zooming to specific zoom factors.
V1.65 build 2003.08.26
- New ROI selecting scheme and format. Now ROI is defined as a group of voxels in the volume. The exported ROI file contains the voxel indices that are easy to transport. Users can also easily write their own ROI files externally. Old ROI files CAN NOT be loaded anymore.
- Removed "Combine fibers" and "Split fiber" options. These can be done by combining ROI files or splitting them.
- Removed the concept of "Target region". Each and every ROI can be seed or target.
- Added "Two ROI tracking". Only the tracks that go through both ROIs are kept.
- Added "Polyline display" option in tractography view. By that the fibers are displayed as a group of simple polylines without shading.
V1.63 build 2003.08.08
- Added automatic adjusting annotation font size in tractography view.
- Added ADC map in "write new series" option.
V1.63 build 2003.08.06 (released)
- Removed "Global Tracking" option for tractography from the last release. That function was still experimental and was included in last release by mistake. It might screw up the task card if not using properly.
- Added Siemens standard 12 direction as one of the default diffusion gradient orders.
- Released v1.63.2003.08.06 for VA15/VA21/VA23, mainly to remove "Global tracking". Sorry for the inconvenience.
V1.63 build 2003.07.21
- Minor bugfix for fiber splitting progress display.
- Added magnification option when saving image to file.
V1.63 build 2003.07.18
- Minor improvement in LiveUpdate: Support Leonardo system.
V1.63 build 2003.07.14 (released)
- Released v1.63.2003.07.14 for VA15/VA21/VA23.
V1.63 build 2003.07.11
- Improved fiber rendering. Pre-render calculation is faster.
- Added user adjustable decimation factor that can reduce 50% number of polygon for fiber rendering without reducing the render quality visually.
- Removed "Segment Length" parameter from fiber property to avoid confusion. That parameter will automatically be chosen according to the voxel information.
V1.63 build 2003.07.07
- Added slice orientation tag in the slice position text shown on top of the sliders in tractography view.
- Added coordinate information in the file of saved track points.
V1.63 build 2003.06.30
- Can now read Mosaic images (must be square). Data loading is dramatically faster with mosaic images.
- Minor improvement on gradient sequence selection dialog.
- Bug fixed: Image position handling error.
V1.63 build 2003.06.26
- Bug fixed: log computation overflow in tensor calculation.
- Minor bugfix in LiveUpdate.
V1.63 build 2003.06.24
- Enabled Gradient Sequence Dialog to show diffusion directions.
V1.63 build 2003.06.23
- Improved data input. Can now take arbitrary (user defined) number of diffusion directions.
V1.62 build 2003.06.16
- Improved mean FA calculation.
- Disabled multi-page ellipsoid rendering and 4x4 multi-page boxoid rendering in Tensor view to avoid render overload with high resolution data.
V1.62 build 2003.06.11
- Added showing mean FA in tractography stats.
- Minor modification for saving tractography settings.
V1.62 build 2003.06.10
- Tested the software on VA23. Modified installer to allow installation on VA23.
V1.62 build 2003.06.06
- Improved zoom pattern selection - "Zoom by moving the camera" and "zoom by changing view angle". Can be released.
- Added interpolate slice option for Tractography view.
- Rearranged right mouse button menu items for tractography.
- Improved saving camera.
V1.62 build 2003.06.04
- Minor improvement on Stereo render in Tensor view mode.
- Minor improvement for hit test in tractography view.
V1.62 build 2003.06.02
- Improved stereo rendering, avoided a bug in VTK.
- Minor bugfix in tractography view update.
- Minor improvement in LiveUpdate.
V1.62 build 2003.05.30
- Added stereo rendering option (Red/Blue and Left/Right).
V1.62 build 2003.05.28 (released)
- Released v1.62.2003.05.28.
V1.62 build 2003.05.27
- Minor bugfix on menu update.
- More efficient object building for fiber rendering.
V1.62 build 2003.05.22
- Added "Global Tracking" option that allows the whole volume tracking without specifying ROIs. (Alpha test. Not yet releasable.)
V1.62 build 2003.05.19
- Minor bugfix on setting parallel project for tractography view.
- Enable two different zoom patterns. "Zoom by moving the camera" and "zoom by changing view angle." (Alpha test. Not yet releasable.)
V1.62 build 2003.05.15
- Enable saving the point data of the fiber tracks.
V1.61 build 2003.05.14
- Bug fix on custom zooming of tensor view.
- Minor bugfix for combining fibers.
- Changed the color sphere dialog and the About dialog to mode-less dialogs.
V1.61 build 2003.05.13
- Added progress message for fiber splitting.
- Minor bugfix on initialization of the fiber-tracking parameters.
- Bug fix that direction-coded color was not being updated properly during real-time fiber-tracking.
V1.61 build 2003.05.12
- Improvement for more efficient fiber-rendering updating.
- Modified seed region sampling method so that the center of voxel is always selected.
- Minor bugfix in fiber combining.
V1.61 build 2003.05.08
- Bug fix that fiber's rendering style was not initialized after loaded from ROI file.
V1.61 build 2003.05.07
- Improved directional color-coding. The color is more accurate in terms of representing the direction, instead of being over-saturated.
V1.61 build 2003.05.02
- Added progress info in the status bar for fiber tracking.
V1.61 build 2003.05.01
- Improved Gaussian smoothing for tractography by using dynamic cache that improves the speed a lot and meanwhile takes much less extra memory than pre-smoothing the whole volume.
V1.61 build 2003.04.29
- Added Gaussian smoothing option in the tractography algorithm.
- Renamed a few parameters in tractography rendering parameter setting.
V1.61 build 2003.04.25
- Minor bug fix for initial update of the tensor view.
V1.61 build 2003.04.22
- Re-arranged "Plane" tool buttons.
- Improved LiveUpdate. No more splash after reboot.
- Improved redrawing of the slice position sliders in tractography view.
V1.61 build 2003.04.21
- Re-arranged menu items for tractography view.
- Added trace ADC map in tensor view.
- Improved window level control. Now each map has its own window level.
- Enable showing window level values while windowing.
- Minor bug fix in saving image to file.
V1.61 build 2003.04.17
- Improved installer. No more separate versions of the installer. The installer can determine what N4 version the system is running and choose the corresponding binaries to install.
V1.60 build 2003.04.14 (released)
- Added LiveUpdate program and also added the "LiveUpdate" button in About window.
- Enable combining/splitting fibers.
- Allow the user to show/hide annotations in tractography view.
- Allow the user to set background color in tractography view.
- Added plane annotations in tensor view.
- Added "Restore" in right-button menu of tensor view.
- Fixed left & right swapping in tractography view.
- Bug fix in database querying of GE data.
- Bug fix that "test-tracking" was not initially updated.
- Minor bug fix in restoring tensor view.
- Released v1.60.2003.04.14.