Dickerson & Atri: Dementia: Comprehensive Principles and Practice (2014).
Welcome to the Dickerson Lab: Books
In 2016, I was honored to edit a book I named in honor of Dr. John Hodges' contributions to the field of Frontotemporal Dementia. More information about my book
on FTD can be found here; it's
available from Amazon.
My good friend and colleague Dr. Alireza Atri and I published a book we edited on many aspects of cognitive neurology and dementia. More information about Dr. Ali Atri's and my book
Comprehensive Principles and Practice can be found here. You can visit
http://www.oup.com/us, search for Dickerson and enter the following promotion code to
receive a 30% discount:
32863. Also
order on Amazon here.
Created by
Dickerson: Hodges' Frontotemporal Dementia (2016).