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  • Ultra high resolution diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of a post mortem brain is able to demonstrate the full fimbria-fornix tract, the primary output of the hippocampus.

  • A portion of the human perforant pathway, the fiber tract from entorhinal cortex into the dentate gyrus and CA3 subfield of the hippocampus.  

Welcome to the Dickerson Lab: Tools

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MRI data acquisition tools

Siemens 1.5T Avanto system

Siemens 3T Trio system

Siemens 7T Custom-built system

Large-N array parallel head coils (including 32 channel coil, also known on Good Morning America as the "Brain Bucket"

Development sequences (new 'works in progress' MR pulse sequences that push the frontiers of cutting edge imaging capabilities

Details on these tools

Simultaneous MR-PET Munich-Boston Simultaneous MR-PET collaborative team

Types of data being aquired

Routine and high resolution T1 structural

Routine and high resolution task-related BOLD fMRI

High resolution "resting state" BOLD fMRI

Diffusion tensor imaging

Susceptibility weighted and related metal-sensitive sequences

3D T2 and FLAIR

Bandwidth-matched 3D T1, T2, FLAIR

FDG-PET (including simultaneous MR-PET)

Neuroimaging data analysis tools

Freesurfer (Freesurfer wiki)







Other tools

Marratech e-meeting (BCD room)

Document sharing & management


Lab Meeting: Web-based lab management and literature sharing tool

Created by admin
Frontiers in data acquisition and analysis
We are currently exploring novel data acquisition and analytic approaches, including structural MRI (automated cortical thickness of high resolution data, automated hippocampal subregion identification), functional MRI (network analysis in routine and high resolution data), and multi-modal data (structure-function MRI, MRI-PET).