if you use surface recons:
Dale, A.M. and M.I. Sereno (1993) Improved localization of cortical
activity by combining EEG and MEG with MRI cortical surface reconstruction:
A linear approach. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 5:162-176.
Segonne F, Dale, AM, Busa E, Glessner M, Salvolini U, Hahn HK,
Fischl B, A Hybrid Approach to the Skull-Stripping Problem in MRI.
NeuroImage, 22, pp. 1160-1075, 2004
Dale, A.M., Fischl, Bruce, Sereno, M.I., (1999). Cortical Surface-Based
Analysis I: Segmentation and Surface Reconstruction. NeuroImage
Fischl, Bruce, Sereno, M.I., Dale, A.M., (1999). Cortical Surface-Based
Analysis II: Inflation, Flattening, and a Surface-Based Coordinate System.
NeuroImage 9(2):195-207
Fischl, Bruce, Liu, Arthur, and Dale, A.M., (2001). Automated Manifold
Surgery: Constructing Geometrically Accurate and Topologically Correct
Models of the Human Cerebral Cortex. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
F. Segonne, E. Grimson, B. Fischl, Genetic Algorithm for the Topology
Correction of Cortical Surfaces, IPMI 2005, pp.393--405.
if you do inter-subject spherical averaging:
Fischl, Bruce, Sereno, M.I., Tootell, R.B.H., and Dale, A.M., (1999).
High-resolution inter-subject averaging and a coordinate system for the
cortical surface. Human Brain Mapping, 8:272-284
if you do a thickness study:
Fischl, Bruce, and Dale, A.M., (2000). Measuring the Thickness of the Human
Cerebral Cortex from Magnetic Resonance Images. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, 97:11044-11049.
Xiao Han, Jorge Jovicich, David Salat,Andre van der Kouwe, Brian Quinn,
Silvester Czanner, Evelina Busa, Jenni Pacheco, Marilyn
Albert, Ronald Killiany,
Paul Maguire, Diana Rosas, Nikos Makris, Anders Dale,
Bradford Dickerson, and Bruce Fischl, (2006). Reliability of
MRI-derived measurements of human cerebral cortical thickness: The
effects of field strength, scanner upgrade and
manufacturer. NeuroImage, 32(1):180-194.
also, Rosas et al (histology) and Kuperberg (MRI) were validation
studies for the thickness measures.
if you use cortical parcellations:
Fischl B, van der Kouwe A, Destrieux C, Halgren E, Ségonne F,
Salat DH, Busa E, Seidman LJ, Goldstein J, Kennedy D, Caviness V, Makris
N, Rosen B, Dale, AM Automatically Parcellating the Human Cerebral
Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 2004; 14:11-22.
Desikan RS, Segonne F, Fischl B, Quinn BT, Dickerson BC, Blacker D, Buckner RL, Dale AM, Maguire RP,
Hyman BT, Albert MS, Killiany RJ (2006). An automated labeling system for subdividing the human cerebral
cortex on MRI scans into gyral based regions of interest.
Neuroimage. 31(3):968-980
if you do subcortical segmentation:
Fischl B, Salat DH, van der Kouwe AJW, Makris N, Ségonne F, Dale
AM. Sequence-Independent Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images.
NeuroImage 2004, 23 Suppl 1, S69-84.
Fischl B, Salat D, Busa E, Albert M, Dieterich M, Haselgrove C,
van der Kouwe A, Killiany R, Kennedy D, Klaveness S, Montillo A, Makris
N, Rosen B, Dale A.M.. Whole brain segmentation. Automated labeling of
neuroanatomical structures in the human brain. Neuron. 2002; 33(3):
other methodological papers:
P. Golland, B. Fischl, M. Spiridon, N. Kanwisher, R.L. Buckner,
M.E. Shenton, R. Kikinis, A. Dale, W.E.L. Grimson.
Discriminative Analysis for Image-Based Studies.
In Proc. MICCAI'2002: Fifth International Conference on Medical
Image Computing And Computer Assisted Intervention.
LNCS 2488:508-515, 2002.
P. Golland and B. Fischl.
Permutation Tests for Classification: Towards Statistical
Significance in Image-Based Studies.
To Appear in Proc.~IPMI'2003: 18th International Conference on
Information Processing in Medical Imaging, July 2003.
F. Segonne, E. Grimson and B. Fischl (2003). Topology Correction of
Subcortical Segmentation", MICCAI 2003.
Salat, D., R. Buckner, A. Snyder, D. Greve, R. Desikan, E. Busa,
J. Morris, D. AM, and B. Fischl, Thinning of the cerebral cortex in
aging. Cerebral Cortex, 2004. 14: p. 721-730.
misc other ones:
Jean C. Augustinack, Andre J. W. van der Kouwe, Megan L. Blackwell,
David H. Salat, Christopher J. Wiggins, Matthew P. Frosch, Graham
C. Wiggins, Andreas Potthast, Lawrence L. Wald, Bruce R. Fischl (2005).
Detection of entorhinal layer II using 7 Tesla magnetic resonance
imaging. Annals of Neurology, 57(4):489-494.
Rauch, S., C. Wright, B. Martis, E. Busa, K. McMullin, L. Shin,
A. Dale, and B. Fischl, A magnetic resonance imaging study of cortical
thickness in animal phobia. Biological Psychiatry, 2004. 55(9): p. 946-952.
Rosas, H.D., A.K. Liu, S. Hersch, M. Glessner, R.J. Ferrante,
D.H. Salat, A. van der Kouwe, B.G. Jenkins, A.M. Dale, and B. Fischl,
Regional and progressive thinning of the cortical ribbon in
Huntington's disease. Neurology, 2002. 58(5): p. 695-701.
Kuperberg, G., M. Broome, P. McGuire, A. David, M. Eddy, F. Ozawa,
D. Goff, W. West, S. Williams, A. van der Kouwe, D. Salat, D. AM, and
B. Fischl, Regionally localized thinning of the cerebral cortex in
schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 2003. 60: p. 878-888.
Sailer, M., B. Fischl, D. Salat, C. Tempelmann, M. Schonfeld,
E. Busa, N. Bodammer, H. Heinze, and A. Dale, Focal thinning of the
cerebral cortex in multiple sclerosis. Brain, 2003. 126(9): p. 1734-1744.
Gold, B.T., D.A. Balota, M.J. Cortes, S.D. Sergent-Marshall,
A.Z. Snyder, D.H. Salat, B. Fischl, A.M. Dale, J.C. Morris, and
R.L. Buckner, Differing neuropsychological and neuroanatomical
correlates of abnormal reading in early-stage semantic dementia and
dementia of the Alzheimer type. Neuropsychologia, 2005. 43: p. 833-846.
Fjell, A.M., K.B. Walhovd, I. Reinvang, A. Lundervold, A.M. Dale,
B.T. Quinn, N. Makris, and B. Fischl, Age does not increase rate of
forgetting over weeks neuroanatomical volumes and visual memory across
the adult life-span. Journal of the International Neuropsychological
Society, 2005. 2-15(1): p. 2-15.
Walhovd, K.B., A.M. Fjell, I. Reinvang, A. Lundervold, B. Fischl,
B.T. Quinn, N. Makris, and A.M. Dale, Cortical volume and
speed-of-processing are complementary in prediction of performance
intelligence. Neuropsychologia, 2005. 43(5): p. 704:13.