Selected Publications (2003-2006 Only)
Peer-reviewed journal articles
- Vasios CE, Angelone LM, Purdon P.L., Belliveau JW, Bonmassar G. An EEG-CAP (the "InkCap") for EEG-fMRI measurements at 7T. Neuroimage (in press).
- Iwaki S, Bonmassar G, Belliveau JW. Event-related Changes in the Spontaneous Brain Activity during 3D Perception from Random-dot Motion,. Complex Medical Systems, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo 2007;In Press.
- Schaechter JD, Stokes C, Connell BD, Perdue K, Bonmassar G. Finger Motion Sensors for fMRI Motor Studies. Neuroimage 2006 Jul 15;31(4):1549-59.
- Angelone LM, Vasios CE, Wiggins G, Purdon PL, Bonmassar G. On the effect of resistive EEG electrodes and leads during 7 Tesla MRI: simulation and temperature measurement studies. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2006; Jul;24(6):801-12.
- Iwaki S, Bonmassar G, Belliveau JW. Event-related changes in Spatiotemporal imaging of the brain activities during 3-D structure perception from motion. Frontiers in Human Brain Topography 2005:209-212.
- Ahveninen J, Jääskeläinen IP, Raij T, Bonmassar G, Devore S, Hämäläinen M, Levänen S, Lin F-H, Sams M, Shinn-Cunningham BC and others. Task-modulated "what" and "where" pathways in human auditory cortex. Submitted 2005.
- Jaaskelainen IP, Ahveninen J, Bonmassar G, Dale AM, Ilmoniemi RJ, Levanen S, Lin FH, May P, Melcher J, Stufflebeam S and others. Human posterior auditory cortex gates novel sounds to consciousness. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2004;101(17):6809-14.
- Bonmassar G. Resistive Tapered Stripline (RTS) in Electroencephalogram Recordings During MRI. IEEE Trans on Microw Theory and Tech 2004;52(8):1992-1998.
- Blood AJ, Flaherty AW, Choi JK, Hochberg FH, Greve DN, Bonmassar G, Rosen BR, Jenkins BG. Basal ganglia activity remains elevated after movement in focal hand dystonia. Ann Neurol 2004;55(5):744-8.
- Angelone LM, Potthast A, Segonne F, Iwaki S, Belliveau JW, Bonmassar G. Metallic electrodes and leads in simultaneous EEG-MRI: specific absorption rate (SAR) simulation studies. Bioelectromagnetics 2004;25(4):285-95.
- Vasios C, Ahveninen J, Purdon P, Angelone L, Belliveau J, Bonmassar G. Auditory ERP acquisition with simultaneous 7 T-fMRI. In: Neuroimage, editor; 2006 2006 11-15 June; Florence, Italy.
- Vasios CE, Angelone LM, Hamalainen M, Belliveau JW, Bonmassar G. Forward Problem Solution Using the Finite-difference Time-domain Method Combined with Frequency Scaling. 2006 26-29 March; Cambridge, MA. PIERS. Volume accepted.
- Purdon P, Pierce E, Mullaly C, Bonmassar G, Walsh J, Harrell P, Kwo J, Deschler D, Barlow M, Maginnis S and others. Multimodal Functional Imaging of Auditory Perception Under General Anesthesia.; 2006.
- Purdon P, Pierce E, Mullaly C, Bonmassar G, Walsh J, Harrell P, Kwo J, Deschler D, Barlow M, Maginnis S and others. Auditory processing and the 40-Hz ASSR under general anesthesia: an EEG/fMRI study.; 2006.
- Purdon P, Mullaly C, Bonmassar G, Brown E. Multimodal Functional Imaging of Auditory Perception Under General Anesthesia.; 2006.
- Purdon P, Bonmassar G, Angelone L, Vasios C, Iwaki S, Ahveninen J, Brown E. Adaptive filtering of ballistocardiogram artifact during high-field EEG/fMRI. In: Neuroimage, editor; 2006 11-15 June; Florence, Italy.
- Nissilä I, Wu W, Diamond S, Bonmassar G, Boas D, Franceschini M. Modeling of the macroscopic neurovascular coupling in the somatosensory cortex of the rat.; 2006; Atlanta, USA.
- Iwaki S, Bonmassar G, Belliveau JW. Dynamic brain responses during 3D object perception from 2D optic flow. 2006; Florence, Italy. Neuroimage, p 485.
- Franceschini M, Nissilä I, Wu W, Bonmassar G, Boas D. Neurovascular Coupling in the Rat Somatosensory Cortex: a Non-Invasive Diffuse Optical Imaging and Electroencephalography Study.; 2006; Florence, Italy.
- Franceschini M, Nissilä I, Wu W, Bonmassar G, Boas D. Neurovascular Coupling in the Rat Somatosensory Cortex: a Non-Invasive Diffuse Optical Imaging and Electroencephalography Study.; 2006 March 19-22; Florida, USA.
- Ekstrom L, Bonmassar G, Tootell R, Roelfsema P, Vanduffel W. Investigating FEF microstimulation and distractor effects in visual cortex with awake monkey fMRI.; 2006.
- Diamond S, Purdon P, Stufflebeam S, Bonmassar G, Hämäläinen M, Brown E, DA. B. Dynamic Multimodal Integration (DMI): A Unified State-Space Framework for Functional Neuroimaging.; 2006; Florence, Italy.
- Angelone L, Makris N, Vasios C, Wald L, Bonmassar G. Effect of transmit array phase relationship on local Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). (Poster award finalist). 2006 6-12 May; Seattle, WA, USA.
- Vasios CE, Angelone LM, Purdon P, Blood A, Belliveau JW, Bonmassar G. An Ink Cap for recording EEG during 7 Tesla MRI. 2005 12-16 June 2005; Toronto, Canada. Neuroimage. Volume 26 Suppl. 1.
- Vasios CE, Angelone LM, Purdon P, Blood A, Belliveau JW, Bonmassar G. The InkCap: Measuring EEG at 7 Tesla.; 2005 November 12 - 16, 2005; Washington, DC, USA. Society for Neuroscience.
- Purdon PL, Purdon AM, Jaaskelainen I, Iwaki S, Angelone LM, Belliveau JW, Brown EN, Bonmassar G. Concurrent EEG/fMRI of Temporal Fluctuations in the 40-Hz Auditory Steady State Response. 2005 7-13 May 2005; Miami, FL, USA. Proc. Intl. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. Volume 13, p 1421.
- Purdon PL, Purdon AM, Jaaskelainen I, Iwaki S, Angelone LM, Belliveau JW, Brown EN, Bonmassar G. Concurrent EEG-fMRI of the 40-Hz Auditory Steady-State Response at 3 and 7 Tesla. 2005 12-16 June 2005; Toronto, Canada. Neuroimage. Volume 26 Suppl. 1.
- Purdon PL, Ahveninen J, Angelone LM, Vasios CE, Williams JH, Brown EN, Bonmassar G. Auditory Brainstem And Cortical Structures Are Coupled To Spontaneous Fluctuations in 40-Hz Assr: A Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Study at 3 and 7 Tesla. 2005 November 12 - 16, 2005; Washington, DC, USA. Society for Neuroscience.
- Nissilä I, Wu W, Boas D, Huppert T, West W, Bonmassar G, Franceschini M. Neurovascular coupling in the rat somatosensory cortex: a non-invasive optical-EEG study.; 2005 November 12-16,; Washington DC, USA,.
- Iwaki S, Bonmassar G, Belliveau JW. FMRI/MEG studies of the visual 3D structure perception. 2005; Miami, FL, USA. Proc. Intl. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. Volume 13, p 1451.
- Iwaki S, Bonmassar G, Belliveau JW. Event-related changes in the spontaneous brain activity during 3D perception from random-dot motion. 2005. Proc. Intl. Conf. on Complex Med. Eng. Volume 1, p 771-776.
- Iwaki S, Bonmassar G, Belliveau JW. Event-related changes of the spontaneous brain activities during the 3-D object perception from motion. 2005 12-16 June 2005; Toronto, Canada. Neuroimage. Volume 26 Suppl. 1, p 1325.
- Ekstrom L, Bonmassar, G, Tootell, RBH, Roelfsema, PR, & W Vanduffel. FEF microstimulation modulates visually driven activity in cortex: evidence from awake behaving monkey fMRI.; 2005. Volume 821.8.
- Bonmassar G, Iwaki S, Angelone LM, Belliveau JW, Schaechter JD, Lev MH. A Novel and Portable device for Real-Time, Noninvasive Stroke Assessment. 2005 22-24 June 2005; UCL, London, UK. 6th Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography.
- Bonmassar G, Stokes C, Connell BD, J.D. S. MEMS Motion Sensors for fMRI Motor Studies.; 2005 November 12 - 16, 2005; Washington, DC, USA. Society for Neuroscience.
- Angelone LM, Tulloch S, Wiggins G, Iwaki S, Makris N, Bonmassar G. New high resolution head model for accurate electromagnetic field computation. 2005 7-13 May 2005; Miami, FL, USA. Proc. Intl. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. Volume 13, p 881.
- Angelone LM, Vasios C.E., Purdon A, Wiggins G, Purdon P, Bonmassar G. On the use of resistances on the EEG leads: SAR and temperature study.; 2005 7-13 May 2005; Miami, FL, USA. Proc. Intl. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. Volume 13, p 611.
- Ahveninen J, Angelone LM, Purdon PL, Vasios C, Jääskeläinen I, Levänen S, Raij T, Sams M, Wiggins C, Wiggins G and others. 7-Tesla fMRI study on tonotopic organization of human auditory cortex. 2005 12-16 June 2005; Toronto, Canada. Neuroimage. Volume 26 Suppl. 1.
- Purdon PL, Purdon AM, Jaaskelainen I, Iwaki S, Angelone LM, Belliveau JW, Brown EN, Bonmassar G. Concurrent Recording of 40-Hz Auditory Steady State Response and Functional MR. 2004 June 13-17, 2004; Budapest, Hungary. Neuroimage. Volume 22.
- Iwaki S, Bonmassar G, Belliveau JW. Visualization of the dynamic neural activity during the perception of 3-D structure from random dot motion: An fMRI-MEG combined study. 2004; Kyoto, Japan. Proc. Intl. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. Volume 12, p 403.
- Iwaki S, Bonmassar G, Belliveau JW. Spatiotemporal neural activities during 3-D structure perception from motion. 2004; Boston, MA, USA. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Biomagnetism, p 669-670.
- Bonmassar G, Iwaki S, Schaechter JD, Lev MH, Belliveau JW. Abnormal distributions of spectral electrical impedance in response to a white noise current stimulus occur in chronic stroke patients. 2004; San Diego, CA, USA. Society for Neuroscience.
- Bonmassar G, Iwaki S. The Shape of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is altered in Stroke Patients. 2004 1-4 September 2004; San Francisco, CA, USA. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of IEEE/EMBS.
- Angelone LM, Bonmassar G. Use of resistances and resistive leads: implications on computed electric field and SAR values. 2004 15-21 May 2004; Kyoto, Japan. Proc. Intl. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. Volume 11, p 1652.
- Ahveninen J, Jääskeläinen I, Raij T, Bonmassar G, Devore S, Hämäläinen M, Levänen S, Lin FH, Sams M, Shinn-Cunningham BG and others. Sound-location representations in the posterior human auditory cortex. 2004. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Biomagnetism, p 497-498.
- Lin FH, Angelone LM, Bonmassar G, Belliveau JW, Carlson S. Working memory processing of visual location and color. 2003; New York, NY, USA. Neuroimage. Volume 19 (2) Suppl.1.
- Blood AJ, Choi J, Flaherty AW, Bonmassar G, Jenkins BG. Botulinum toxin attenuates abnormal spatial extent of lentiform nucleus activity in focal hand dystonia.; 2003; New York, NY, USA. Neuroimage. Volume 19 (2) Suppl.1.
- Angelone LM, Potthast. A, Iwaki S, Segonne F, Wald L, Fischl B, Belliveau JW, Bonmassar G. Specific Absorption Rate changes in simultaneous EEG - MRI recording. 2003 February 5th; Boston, MA, USA.
- Angelone LM, Potthast. A, Iwaki S, Segonne F, Belliveau JW, Bonmassar G. Simulation study suggests unsafe levels of Specific Absorption Rate during simultaneous EEG-MRI recording.; 2003 12-16 December, 2003; Boston, MA, USA. Epilepsia. Volume 44 (s-9), p 255.
- Iwaki S, Bonmassar G, Belliveau JW. Event-related time-frequency analysis of the spontaneous MEG activities during 3-D object perception. 2005.
- Angelone LM, Bonmassar G., Carpenter D. “Exploring the possibilities of Combining EEG and MRI”, Medical Design Technology, May 2005, pg 28-31, www.mdtmag.com
- “Electromagnetic Simulation Used to Evaluate Safety of Combining EEG and MRI”, Remcom Inc. X Site Newsletter, Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2005, www.remcom.com
- Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Radiology, Annual report 2004-2005, pg 39.