This is a description of the 14T high field multinuclear NMR spectrometer/imager laboratory in room 149-1.031.
Martinos Center 14T scheduling page
Martinos Center scanner/spectrometer login page
Instrument Description
This spectrometer is comprised of a Magnex 14T (600 MHz) 89 mm vertical bore magnet interfaced to a Bruker Bio-Spin Avance I console equipped with two main RF channels, a deuterium field-frequency lock channel, liquids (300 watt transmit) and high power solids (1 kW transmit) RF amplifiers, imaging, and Bruker probes. Bruker software includes Xwinnmr 3.6 and Paravision 3.01. The host computer operating system is Linux.
High Resolution Liquid State:
5 mm 15N-31P{1H} direct observe (5mmBBO)
5 mm {15N-31P}1H indirect observe (5mmBBI)) with z-axis gradient (use this probe for high resolution 5 mm proton spectroscopy)
10 mm 15N-31P{1H} direct observe (10mmBBO)
High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HRMAS):
4 mm 1H{13C} 15 kHz magic angle gradient
High Resolution Solid State (CPMAS):
4 mm 15N-31P/1H-19F 15 kHz
double-tuned single coil
automated sample changer
Microimaging/Large Specimen Spectroscopy:
Micro2.5 100 G/cm gradients (imaging is currently disabled)
Nucleus selection is via insertable RF coils:
10 mm birdcage 1H
20 mm birdcage 1H
20 mm birdcage 1H/13C
20 mm birdcage 1H/31P
30 mm birdcage 1H/19F
All probes have temperature control.
Only authorized users who have been checked out by Jerry Ackerman or Leo Cheng may operate this instrument independently. The list of authorized users is posted at the entrance to the laboratory (room 1.031).
Near the operator's console you will find instructions for instrument shutdown, cold start and rebooting (only to be used when absolutely necessary; be certain to follow these instructions EXACTLY), and for setting up probes, variable temperature, etc.
The Linux host computer for this instrument is
. Data may be accessed remotely via secure ftp
or ssh
using your Martinos login. Only authorized users may login to the host .
We will be adding additional information on setting up and operating the instrument as our time allows.
Bruker User's Manual for HRMAS
Information page from the 14T email list (subscribe here)
Access the archives of 14T email list
The email list serves users of the 14 T instrument by distributing current status information. All authorized users are required to be members of the list. Anyone may subscribe. Please click the information page link above and subscribe at the bottom of that page.
Required Acknowledgements
This facility is made possible by grants and continuing support. All publications and presentations making use of data obtained on this instrument must acknowlege NIH grant S10RR13026 from the National Center for Research Resources, the Center for Functional Neuroimaging Technologies funded by NIH grant P41EB015896, and the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging.
For assistance contact:
Jerry Ackerman
office 617-726-3083
cell 617-645-4371
home 617-332-3761
Leo Cheng
office 617-724-6593