Contribute to MNE

We are open to many types of contributions, from bugfixes to functionality enhancements. mne-python is meant to be maintained by a community of labs, and as such, we seek enhancements that will likely benefit a large proportion of the users who use the package.

Before starting new code, we highly recommend opening an issue on mne-python GitHub to discuss potential changes. Getting on the same page as the maintainers about changes or enhancements before too much coding is done saves everyone time and effort!

Code guidelines

  • Standard python style guidelines set by pep8 and pyflakes are followed with very few exceptions. We recommend using an editor that calls out style violations automatcally, such as Spyder. From the MNE code root, you can check for violations using flake8 with:

    $ make flake
  • Use numpy style for docstrings. Follow existing examples for simplest guidance.

  • New functionality must be covered by tests. For example, a mne.Evoked method in mne/ should have a corresponding test in mne/tests/

  • Changes must be accompanied by updated documentation, including doc/whats_new.rst and doc/python_reference.rst.

  • After making changes, ensure all tests pass. This can be done by running:

    $ make test

    To run individual tests, you can also run e.g.:

    $ nosetests mne/tests/test_evoked:test_io_evoked -x --verbose

    Make sure you have the testing dataset, which you can get by doing:

    >>> mne.datasets.testing.data_path(verbose=True)  

MNE-specific coding guidelines

These are guidelines that are generally followed:

Pull requests

  • Address one issue per pull request (PR).
  • Avoid unnecessary cosmetic changes in PRs.
  • Minimize test timing while maximizing coverage. Use nosetests --with-timer on modified tests.
  • Update the doc/whats_new.rst file last, just before merge to avoid merge conflicts.


  • Classes should be named using CamelCase.
  • Functions and instances/variables should be snake_case (n_samples rather than nsamples).
  • Avoid single-character variable names.


  • Import modules in this order: 1. builtin 2. standard scientific (numpy as np, scipy submodules) 3. others 4. mne imports (relative within the MNE module, absolute in the examples)
  • Imports for matplotlib and optional modules (sklearn, and pandas, etc.) within the MNE module should be nested (i.e., within a function or method, not at the top of a file).


  • Add public functions to the mne.viz package and use these in the corresponding methods.
  • All visualization functions must accept a show parameter and return a fig handle.
  • Use RdBu_r colormap for signed data with a meaningful middle (zero-point) and Reds otherwise in visualization functions and examples.

Return types

  • Methods should modify inplace and return self, functions should return copies (where applicable).


  • Use single quotes whenever possible.
  • Prefer generator or list comprehensions over filter, map and other functional idioms.
  • Use explicit functional constructors for builtin containers to improve readability (e.g., list(), dict).
  • Avoid nested functions or class methods if possible – use private functions instead.
  • Avoid **kwargs and *args in function signatures.
  • Add brief docstrings to simple private functions and complete docstrings for complex ones.

Checking and building documentation

All changes to the codebase must be properly documented. To ensure that documentation is rendered correctly, the best bet is to follow the existing examples for class and function docstrings, and examples and tutorials.

Our documentation (including docstring in code) uses ReStructuredText format, see Sphinx documentation to learn more about editing them. Our code follows the NumPy docstring standard.

Documentation is automatically built remotely during pull requests. If you want to also test documentation locally, you will need to install sphinx sphinx-gallery sphinx_bootstrap_theme numpydoc, and then within the mne/doc directory do:

$ make html_dev-noplot

If you are working on examples or tutorials, you can build specific examples with:

$ make html_dev-pattern

Consult the sphinx gallery documentation for more details.


To learn more about profiling python codes please see the scikit learn profiling site.

Submitting changes

Changes to code can be submitted using a standard GitHub Pull Request, as documented in Using GitHub to make a Pull Request.