Get started


To get started with MNE, visit the installation instructions for the MNE and MNE-C:

What can you do with MNE?

  • Raw data visualization to visualize recordings (see Examples Gallery for more).
  • Epoching: Define epochs, baseline correction, handle conditions etc.
  • Averaging to get Evoked data.
  • Compute SSP projectors to remove ECG and EOG artifacts.
  • Compute ICA to remove artifacts or select latent sources.
  • Maxwell filtering to remove environmental noise.
  • Boundary Element Modeling: single and three-layer BEM model creation and solution computation.
  • Forward modeling: BEM computation and mesh creation (see The forward solution).
  • Linear inverse solvers (dSPM, sLORETA, MNE, LCMV, DICS).
  • Sparse inverse solvers (L1/L2 mixed norm MxNE, Gamma Map, Time-Frequency MxNE, RAP-MUSIC).
  • Connectivity estimation in sensor and source space.
  • Visualization of sensor and source space data
  • Time-frequency analysis with Morlet wavelets (induced power, intertrial coherence, phase lock value) also in the source space.
  • Spectrum estimation using multi-taper method.
  • Mixed Source Models combining cortical and subcortical structures.
  • Dipole Fitting
  • Decoding multivariate pattern analysis of M/EEG topographies.
  • Compute contrasts between conditions, between sensors, across subjects etc.
  • Non-parametric statistics in time, space and frequency (including cluster-level).
  • Scripting (batch and parallel computing)

There is much more beyond these general categories such as:

  • detect heart beat QRS component
  • detect eye blinks and EOG artifacts
  • compute SSP projections to remove ECG or EOG artifacts
  • compute Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to remove artifacts or select latent sources
  • estimate noise covariance matrix from Raw and Epochs
  • visualize cross-trial response dynamics using epochs images
  • compute forward solutions
  • estimate power in the source space
  • estimate connectivity in sensor and source space
  • morph stc from one brain to another for group studies
  • compute mass univariate statistics base on custom contrasts
  • visualize source estimates
  • export raw, epochs, and evoked data to other python data analysis libraries e.g. pandas
  • Raw movement compensation as you would do with Elekta Maxfilter™
  • and many more things …

What you’re not supposed to do with MNE:

  • Brain and head surface segmentation for use with BEM models – use Freesurfer.
Historical notes

MNE started as tool written in C by Matti Hämäläinen while at MGH in Boston.

  • MNE-C is Matti’s C code.
  • The MNE python module was built in the Python programming language to reimplement all MNE-C’s functionality, offer transparent scripting, and extend MNE-C’s functionality considerably (see left). Thus it is the primary focus of this documentation.
  • Matlab toolbox is available mostly to allow reading and writing FIF files.
  • MNE with CPP aims to provide modular and open-source tools for real-time acquisition, visualization, and analysis. It provides a separate website for documentation and releases.

The MNE tools are based on the FIF file format from Neuromag. However, MNE can read native CTF, BTI/4D, KIT and various EEG formats (see IO functions).

If you have been using MNE-C, there is no need to convert your fif files to a new system or database – MNE works nicely with the historical fif files.