Noninvasive in vivo measurement of vascular inflammation with F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography

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J Nucl Cardiol
2005 May-Jun
Journal Articles
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BACKGROUND: Fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) has been shown to accumulate in inflamed tissues. However, it is not known whether vascular inflammation can be measured noninvasively. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that vascular inflammation can be measured noninvasively by use of positron emission tomography (PET) with FDG.
METHODS AND RESULTS: Inflamed atherosclerotic lesions were induced in 9 male New Zealand white rabbits via balloon injury of the aortoiliac arterial segment and exposure to a high cholesterol diet. Ten rabbits fed standard chow served as controls. Three to six months after balloon injury, the rabbits were injected with FDG (1 mCi/kg), after which aortic uptake of FDG was assessed (3 hours after injection). Biodistribution of FDG activity within aortic segments was obtained by use of standard well gamma counting. FDG uptake was also determined noninvasively in a subset of 6 live atherosclerotic rabbits and 5 normal rabbits, via PET imaging and measurement of standardized uptake values over the abdominal aorta. Plaque macrophage density and smooth muscle cell density were determined by planimetric analysis of RAM-11 and smooth muscle actin staining, respectively. Biodistribution of FDG within nontarget organs was similar between atherosclerotic and control rabbits. However, well counter measurements of FDG uptake were significantly higher within atherosclerotic aortas compared with control aortas (P CONCLUSION: These data show that FDG accumulates in macrophage-rich atherosclerotic plaques and demonstrate that vascular macrophage activity can be quantified noninvasively with FDG-PET. As such, measurement of vascular FDG uptake with PET holds promise for the noninvasive characterization of vascular inflammation.
