Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Multi-contrast reconstruction with Bayesian compressed sensing

Clinical imaging with structural MRI routinely relies on multiple acquisitions of the same region of interest under several different contrast preparations. This work presents a reconstruction algorithm based on Bayesian compressed sensing to jointly reconstruct a set of images from undersampled k-space data with higher fidelity than when the images are reconstructed either individually or jointly by a previously proposed algorithm, M-FOCUSS.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Magn Reson Med

Sparsity-promoting calibration for GRAPPA accelerated parallel MRI reconstruction

The amount of calibration data needed to produce images of adequate quality can prevent auto-calibrating parallel imaging reconstruction methods like generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisitions (GRAPPA) from achieving a high total acceleration factor. To improve the quality of calibration when the number of auto-calibration signal (ACS) lines is restricted, we propose a sparsity-promoting regularized calibration method that finds a GRAPPA kernel consistent with the ACS fit equations that yields jointly sparse reconstructed coil channel images.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
IEEE Trans Med Imaging

Accelerated diffusion spectrum imaging with compressed sensing using adaptive dictionaries

Diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) offers detailed information on complex distributions of intravoxel fiber orientations at the expense of extremely long imaging times (1 hour). It is possible to accelerate DSI by sub-Nyquist sampling of the q-space followed by nonlinear reconstruction to estimate the diffusion probability density functions (pdfs). Recent work by Menzel et al. imposed sparsity constraints on the pdfs under wavelet and total variation (TV) transforms.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv

Sparsity-enforced slice-selective MRI RF excitation pulse design

We introduce a novel algorithm for the design of fast slice-selective spatially-tailored magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) excitation pulses. This method, based on sparse approximation theory, uses a second-order cone optimization to place and modulate a small number of slice-selective sinc-like radio-frequency (RF) pulse segments ("spokes") in excitation k-space, enforcing sparsity on the number of spokes allowed while simultaneously encouraging those that remain to be placed and modulated in a way that best forms a user-defined in-plane target magnetization.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
IEEE Trans Med Imaging

Accelerated diffusion spectrum imaging with compressed sensing using adaptive dictionaries

Diffusion spectrum imaging offers detailed information on complex distributions of intravoxel fiber orientations at the expense of extremely long imaging times (∼1 h). Recent work by Menzel et al. demonstrated successful recovery of diffusion probability density functions from sub-Nyquist sampled q-space by imposing sparsity constraints on the probability density functions under wavelet and total variation transforms.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Magn Reson Med

Fast image reconstruction with L2-regularization

PURPOSE: We introduce L2-regularized reconstruction algorithms with closed-form solutions that achieve dramatic computational speed-up relative to state of the art L1- and L2-based iterative algorithms while maintaining similar image quality for various applications in MRI reconstruction.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
J Magn Reson Imaging

Deconvolution techniques for removing the effects of chemical shift in 19F nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of perfluorocarbon compounds

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging of perfluorocarbon (PFC) emulsions and neat liquids has shown potential for in vivo oxygen imaging in blood and organ tissue. PFC compounds exhibit complicated NMR spectra caused by chemical shifts and spin-spin couplings which can lead to artifacts and degraded spatial resolution of resulting NMR images. To correct for the chemical shift artifacts, the technique of spectral deconvolution has been applied to NMR imaging of PFC compounds.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Med Phys

Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging techniques as developed modestly within a university medical center environment: what can the small system contribute at this point?

This paper describes a geometrically small NMR imaging system which has been developed and assembled within a university medical center environment. Consideration is given to the technical specifications and basic economics for the magnet system, NMR spectrometer, and computer configuration.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Magn Reson Imaging

Motion compensation for brain PET imaging using wireless MR active markers in simultaneous PET-MR: phantom and non-human primate studies

Brain PET scanning plays an important role in the diagnosis, prognostication and monitoring of many brain diseases. Motion artifacts from head motion are one of the major hurdles in brain PET. In this work, we propose to use wireless MR active markers to track head motion in real time during a simultaneous PET-MR brain scan and incorporate the motion measured by the markers in the listmode PET reconstruction. Several wireless MR active markers and a dedicated fast MR tracking pulse sequence module were built.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

MR-based motion correction for PET imaging using wired active MR microcoils in simultaneous PET-MR: phantom study

PURPOSE: Artifacts caused by head motion present a major challenge in brain positron emission tomography (PET) imaging. The authors investigated the feasibility of using wired active MR microcoils to track head motion and incorporate the measured rigid motion fields into iterative PET reconstruction.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Med Phys


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