Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Simplified and scalable numerical solution for describing multi-pool chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI contrast

Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging is sensitive to dilute labile proton and microenvironment properties such as pH and temperature, and provides vital information complementary to the conventional MRI methods. Whereas the Bloch equations coupled by exchange terms (i.e., Bloch-McConnell equations) have been utilized to quantify 2-pool CEST contrast, it is tedious to extend the Bloch-McConnell equations to describe CEST contrast beyond four saturation transfer sites.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
J Magn Reson

Default network activity, coupled with the frontoparietal control network, supports goal-directed cognition

Tasks that demand externalized attention reliably suppress default network activity while activating the dorsal attention network. These networks have an intrinsic competitive relationship; activation of one suppresses activity of the other. Consequently, many assume that default network activity is suppressed during goal-directed cognition. We challenge this assumption in an fMRI study of planning. Recent studies link default network activity with internally focused cognition, such as imagining personal future events, suggesting a role in autobiographical planning.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

Functional alterations in memory networks in early Alzheimer's disease

The hallmark clinical symptom of early Alzheimer's disease (AD) is episodic memory impairment. Recent functional imaging studies suggest that memory function is subserved by a set of distributed networks, which include both the medial temporal lobe (MTL) system and the set of cortical regions collectively referred to as the default network. Specific regions of the default network, in particular, the posteromedial cortices, including the precuneus and posterior cingulate, are selectively vulnerable to early amyloid deposition in AD.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Neuromolecular Med

MRI markers of small vessel disease in lobar and deep hemispheric intracerebral hemorrhage

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: MRI evidence of small vessel disease is common in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). We hypothesized that ICH caused by cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) or hypertensive vasculopathy would have different distributions of MRI T2 white matter hyperintensity (WMH) and microbleeds.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

Hemispheric asymmetry in visuotopic posterior parietal cortex emerges with visual short-term memory load

Visual short-term memory (VSTM) briefly maintains a limited sampling from the visual world. Activity in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) tightly correlates with the number of items stored in VSTM. This activity may occur in or near to multiple distinct visuotopically mapped cortical areas that have been identified in IPS. To understand the topographic and spatial properties of VSTM, we investigated VSTM activity in visuotopic IPS regions using functional magnetic resonance imaging. VSTM drove areas IPS0-2, but largely spared IPS3-4.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
J Neurosci

Structural differences in adult orbital and ventromedial prefrontal cortex predicted by infant temperament at 4 months of age

CONTEXT: The term temperament refers to a biologically based predilection for a distinctive pattern of emotions, cognitions, and behaviors first observed in infancy or early childhood. High-reactive infants are characterized at age 4 months by vigorous motor activity and crying in response to unfamiliar visual, auditory, and olfactory stimuli, whereas low-reactive infants show low motor activity and low vocal distress to the same stimuli.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Arch Gen Psychiatry

Perceptual learning: cortical changes when cats learn a new trick

A new study has found that the tuning properties of neurons in the primary visual cortex of cats change as they learn an orientation-discrimination task, casting new light on the neuronal basis of perceptual learning.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Curr Biol

A generative model for image segmentation based on label fusion

We propose a nonparametric, probabilistic model for the automatic segmentation of medical images, given a training set of images and corresponding label maps. The resulting inference algorithms rely on pairwise registrations between the test image and individual training images. The training labels are then transferred to the test image and fused to compute the final segmentation of the test subject.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
IEEE Trans Med Imaging

Current dipole orientation and distribution of epileptiform activity correlates with cortical thinning in left mesiotemporal epilepsy

To evaluate cortical architecture in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) with respect to electrophysiology, we analyze both magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) in 19 patients with left MTLE. We divide the patients into two groups: 9 patients (Group A) have vertically oriented antero-medial equivalent current dipoles (ECDs). 10 patients (Group B) have ECDs that are diversely oriented and widely distributed.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles

Onset timing of cross-sensory activations and multisensory interactions in auditory and visual sensory cortices

Here we report early cross-sensory activations and audiovisual interactions at the visual and auditory cortices using magnetoencephalography (MEG) to obtain accurate timing information. Data from an identical fMRI experiment were employed to support MEG source localization results. Simple auditory and visual stimuli (300-ms noise bursts and checkerboards) were presented to seven healthy humans. MEG source analysis suggested generators in the auditory and visual sensory cortices for both within-modality and cross-sensory activations.

Publication Type: 
Journal Articles
Eur J Neurosci


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