Here are some brain inspired gift options for the last minute holiday shopper.
Brain Earrings
Here are some brain inspired gift options for the last minute holiday shopper.
Brain Earrings
By Isaac Velando.
Sharing credentials (username and passwords) between the numerous online accounts we have is a difficult dangerous habit to break. I propose the following steps as a...
Photo Credit: Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; CC-BY-SA-2.5
For nearly a decade, TrueCrypt has been one of the trusty tools in a security-minded user’s toolkit. There’s just one problem: no one knows who created the software. Worse still, no one has ever...
Interesting look at how easy it is to crack passwords you might have thought were secure.
The Mountain Lion followup shifts away from the big cat naming, to a California-themed release: Mavericks, paying homage to the giant wave surfing spot.
From the LA Times:
It was 20 years ago today that the World Wide Web was opened to all, setting off one of the biggest transformations in technology and altering the way we communicate. To celebrate the occasion, the creator has brought the world's first website back to life...