My Profile

Naoaki (Naoro) Tanaka, MD, PhD

Instructor in Radiology at Harvard Medical School

Assistant in Neuroscience at Massachusetts Geberal Hospital

Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging

Stufflebeam Lab

e-mail: naoro at

MD Degree 1996 Hokkaido University School of Medicine(Japan)
Residency 1997 Hokkaido University Hospital
PhD Degree 2002 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine


Medical Licence (Japan) 1996

National Board Certification of Psychiatry from Japanesegovernment 2001

Board Certification of Japanese Society of ClinicalNeurophysiology 2006


1996-1997 Resident, Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Hokkaido UniversityHospital
1997-1999 Clinical Fellow, Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Kucchan KouseiHospital
1999-2006 Clinical Fellow, Epilepsy Program, Department of Neurology and Psychiatry,Hokkaido University Hospital
2004-2006 Certified Physician of Clinical Magnetoencephalography, Hokkaido UniversityHospital
2006-2010 Postdoctoral research fellow, Athinoula A. Martinos Center for BiomedicalImaging, Massachusetts General Hospital
2010-present Instructor in Radiology, Athinoula A. Martinos Center for BiomedicalImaging

Research Interests

Spatiotemporal mapping of epileptic discharges (EEG and MEG), presurgical evaluation of epilepsy, fiber tractgraphy (DTI and DSI), functional connectivity imaging (resting fMRI and DSI)